Page 79 - Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24
P. 79
Employment 人力資源
The Housing Society strictly complies with all relevant labour 房協嚴格遵守香港所有有關的勞工法例及法
laws and regulations in Hong Kong, with all employees covered 規,所有員工不論職位或工作時數,均受
by the Employment Ordinance (Chapter 57 of the Laws of Hong 《僱傭條例》(香港法例第五十七章)保障。
Kong), irrespective of their designated job titles or working 他們享有法定權益和保障,如工資發放、工
hours. They are entitled to statutory rights and protection such 資扣除的限制、享有法定假期等。此外,
as wage payment, restriction on deductions from wages, granting 我們嚴格遵守《僱員補償條例》(香港法例第
of statutory holidays, etc. Additionally, we strictly adhere to the 二百八十二章),以保障僱員的權益。
Hong Kong Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Chapter 282 of
the Laws of Hong Kong) to protect the rights and interests of our
Employee Benefits 員工福利
The Housing Society is dedicated to retaining high-calibre 為挽留優秀人才,房協致力提供完善的福利
personnel by offering comprehensive benefit packages, including 待遇,包括具競爭力的薪酬、醫療保險及績
competitive remuneration, insurance, and performance-based 效獎賞,例如所有全職員工均享有醫療保險
bonuses. For instance, all our full-time employees are entitled 及人壽保險。此外,房協亦提供各種假期,
to medical insurance and life insurance. Additionally, we provide 如有薪年假、輕鬆假、婚假、恩恤假、考試
various leave entitlements, such as paid annual leave, wellbeing 假及產假。我們自二零二三年四月一日起向
leave, marriage leave, compassionate leave, examination leave, 所有全職員工推出輕鬆假,以關顧員工的身
and parental leave. Wellbeing leave has been introduced to all 心健康和推動家庭友善措施。合資格的員工
full-time employees with effect from 1 April 2023 to promote 每兩個月可享有半天假期,讓員工提升身心
wellbeing and support family-friendly employment practices. 活力,促進身體和精神健康。
Eligible employees have the privilege of taking a half-day off
every two calendar months. This dedicated time off allows
employees to rejuvenate their minds and bodies, promoting
physical and psychological wellbeing.
Meanwhile, our Management and the Human Resources Committee 與此同時,我們的管理層和人力資源委員會
regularly conduct reviews of the overall compensation and 以市場趨勢為基準,並收集員工意見,定期
benefits strategy by benchmarking against the market and 檢討整體薪酬和福利策略。
collecting feedback from our employees.
76 Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 可持續發展報告 77