Page 83 - Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24
P. 83
We encourage continuous learning and prioritise the wellbeing of 我們鼓勵員工持續學習,亦重視他們的身心
our employees. Extensive training and learning opportunities, as 健康。在業務營運中,我們為員工提供多項
well as wellbeing programmes are organised for our employees 培訓課程和學習機會,同時組織各種休閒健
across our operations to help them achieve work-life balance. 康活動,以協助他們在工作與生活間取得平
Staff Development 員工發展
Recognising that our employees are essential to the sustainability 房協深明員工對公司業務的可持續發展及穩
and ongoing prosperity of our business, we are dedicated to 定繁榮至關重要。因此,我們致力為所有員
offering career development and learning opportunities for all 工提供專業發展和學習機會,使他們能夠獲
staff, enabling them to acquire valuable professional knowledge 得寶貴的專業知識和技能。為滿足員工不同
and skills. To cater to the diverse needs and preferences of our 的需求和喜好,我們建立了全面的框架,以
employees, we have established a comprehensive framework 涵蓋內部培訓課程、外部進修課程,並提供
that encompasses various initiatives including in-house training 教育和專業會籍資助等等。
sessions, external training programmes, and education and
professional membership sponsorships.
In addition to providing standard training workshops and 除了提供標準的培訓工作坊和課程外,我們
programmes, we offer a range of online learning resources 還提供一系列網上學習資源,讓員工因應繁
to promote flexibility and accommodate the busy schedules of 忙的日程靈活安排網上學習。其中,我們贊
our staff. As part of this commitment, we sponsor our staff’s 助員工訂閱領英網上學習平台,囊括商業、
subscriptions to the LinkedIn e-Learning platform, which offers 創意和科技等廣泛的培訓主題,讓員工及時
an extensive array of training topics including business, creativity, 了解市場趨勢和新興科技。此外,我們還設
and technology. This enables them to remain up to date with 立了內聯網學習管理平台及網上圖書館,協
market trends and emerging technologies. Furthermore, we 助員工按其情況提升知識和技能水平。
have implemented an in-house Learning Management Platform
and established a library that offers additional online learning
resources. These resources are designed to empower our staff to
enhance their knowledge and skills at their own convenience.
80 Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 可持續發展報告 81