Page 105 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 105

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               There were 13 members on the Special Committee on Elderly Housing   截至二零一八年四月一日,長者房屋特別
               as of 1 April 2018. All members retired at the AGM held on 6 September   委員會共有十三名成員。於二零一八年九
               2018 in line with the tenure expiry of this Special Committee.   月六日舉行的周年委員大會上,全體成員
               Mrs Cecilia Lee Yip Wai-kay and Dr Lawrence Li Kwok-chang had served   均退任以配合此特別委員會的任期屆滿。
               the Special Committee for six consecutive years and were not eligible   李葉慧璣女士及李國祥醫生因已連續六年
               for re-appointment. Mr Philip Liao Yi-kang did not seek re-appointment   擔任特別委員會成員而不合資格再獲委任。
               after completing his three-year term of office. All other retired   廖宜康先生在完成三年任期後無意連任。
               members, namely Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah, Mr Kenneth Chan Chi-yuk,   所有其他退任成員包括馬錦華先生、陳志
               Mr Patrick Lau Lai-chiu, Mrs Miranda Leung Chan Che-ming, Ms Ophelia   育先生、劉勵超先生、梁陳智明女士、陳肖
               Chan Chiu-ling, Mr Lawrence Lam Yin-ming, Mr Victor Chan Hin-fu and   齡女士、林彥明先生、陳顯滬先生及尹德
               Dr Danny Wan Tak-fai completed their terms of office and confirmed   輝博士完成任期,並確認有意連任。監事
               their desire to seek re-appointment. The Chairman of the Supervisory   會主席鄔滿海先生及行政總裁兼執行總幹
               Board, Mr Marco Wu Moon-hoi, and the Chief Executive Officer and   事亦出任此特別委員會的當然委員。
               Executive Director were the ex officio members of this Special

               At the Executive Committee meeting held on 20 September 2018, the   於二零一八年九月二十日舉行的執行委員
               tenure of this Special Committee was renewed for three years until the   會會議通過將此特別委員會的任期續期三
               2021 AGM. At the same meeting, Mr Kenneth Chan Chi-yuk, Mr Patrick   年,直至二零二一年周年委員大會為止。
               Lau Lai-chiu, Mrs Miranda Leung Chan Che-ming, Ms Ophelia Chan   於會上,陳志育先生、劉勵超先生、梁陳智
               Chiu-ling, Mr Lawrence Lam Yin-ming, Mr Victor Chan Hin-fu and   明女士、陳肖齡女士、林彥明先生、陳顯滬
               Dr Danny Wan Tak-fai were re-appointed, while Dr Lau Kwok-yu,   先生及尹德輝博士再獲委任,而劉國裕博
               Miss Annie Tam Kam-lan, Mr Henry Yap Fat-suan and Mr Robert Young   士、譚贛蘭女士、葉發旋先生及楊民儉先
               Man-kim were newly appointed to this Special Committee for a three-  生獲委任加入此特別委員會,任期三年。
               year term of office. Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah was re-appointed as   馬錦華先生再獲委任為此特別委員會主席,
               Chairman of this Special Committee for a two-year term of office to   任期兩年,以配合其執行委員會的任期。
               align with his term of office on the Executive Committee. Mr Walter   新任監事會主席陳家樂先生擔任此特別委
               Chan Kar-lok, the newly elected Chairman of the Supervisory Board,   員 會 的 當 然 委 員。 截 至 二 零 一 九 年 三 月
               served as an ex officio member on the Special Committee. The Special   三十一日,長者房屋特別委員會共有十四
               Committee on Elderly Housing comprised 14 members (including two   名成員(包括兩名當然委員,即房協主席及
               ex officio members, namely, the Chairman of the Housing Society and   行政總裁兼執行總幹事)。
               the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director) as of 31 March 2019.

               During the year, the Special Committee on Elderly Housing held two   年內,長者房屋特別委員會共舉行兩次會
               meetings with an overall attendance rate of 75 per cent. It continuously   議,整體出席率為百分之七十五。長者房
               monitored the operations of The Tanner Hill elderly housing project to   屋特別委員會持續監察「雋  」長者房屋項
               ensure the delivery of a world class service standard. It also thoroughly   目的運作,確保其服務達到世界水平。長
               reviewed the overall effectiveness of numerous elderly housing models   者房屋特別委員會亦全面檢討各個就不同
               and elderly-related schemes for various income groups, including the   收入而設的長者房屋模式及計劃的成效,
               Ageing-In-Place Scheme, Elderly Resources Centre, Senior Citizen   包括「樂得耆所」居家安老計劃、「長者安居
               Residences Scheme and The Tanner Hill.                      資源中心」、「長者安居樂」住屋計劃及「雋

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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