Page 100 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 100

98    Corporate Sustainability 企業持續發展

            During the year, the Executive Committee held 11 meetings with an   年內,執行委員會共舉行十一次會議,整
            overall attendance rate of 90 per cent. The key areas of review of the   體出席率為百分之九十。執行委員會的主
            Executive Committee included 2017/18 corporate performance;   要檢討範疇包括二零一七╱一八年度的企
            corporate performance measures for 2018/19; audited financial   業表現、二零一八╱一九年度企業表現的
            statements for the year-ended 31 March 2018; and the corporate   評核準則、截至二零一八年三月三十一日
            business plan and consolidated budget for 2018/19. The Executive   止 年 度 的 經 審 核 財 務 報 表 以 及 二 零
            Committee also reviewed the remuneration policy and maternity and   一八╱一九年度的企業業務計劃及綜合預
            paternity leave policy based on the recommendations of the   算。執行委員會亦基於薪酬委員會的建議
            Remuneration Committee. The Executive Committee also deliberated   檢討了薪酬政策以及產假和侍產假政策。
            on a number of housing projects under planning and development.   此外,執行委員會商議了多項規劃中及發
            These included transitional housing and rehousing projects, Senior   展中的房屋項目,包括過渡性房屋及安置
            Citizen Residences Scheme projects and the pilot “Letting Scheme for   房屋項目、「長者安居樂」住屋計劃以及以
            Subsidised Sale Developments with Premium Unpaid”. The Executive   先導計劃方式推出的「未補價資助出售房屋
            Committee also reviewed the Housing Society’s IT strategy; the waiting   —  出租計劃」,並審視了房協的資訊科技策
            list income and asset limits for domestic rental estates; as well as   略、申請出租屋邨的入息限額及資產限額
            housing-related researches and studies, including the report on the   以及有關房屋的研究和調查,包括各個就
            overall effectiveness of the elderly housing model for various income   不同收入人士而設的長者房屋模式的整體
            groups.                                                     成效報告。

            The Executive Committee also received from Management an annual   執行委員會亦批核了管理層就策略風險及
            risk assessment report on strategic and operational risks. Based on the   營運風險提交的年度風險評估報告。根據
            Special Committee on Investment’s recommendations, the Executive   投資特別委員會提供的建議,執行委員會
            Committee approved the asset allocation and appointment of   審批了投資組合的資產分配及專業基金經
            professional fund managers for investment portfolios. The Executive   理的委任。執行委員會根據提名委員會的
            Committee appointed members to the Remuneration Committee   建議委任了薪酬委員會成員。執行委員會
            based on the recommendations of the Nominating Committee. The   亦審閱了投資特別委員會、長者房屋特別
            Executive Committee also reviewed the results of the self-assessment   委員會以及項目設計及建築工程專責小組
            exercise by the Special Committee on Investment, the Special   的自我評估結果,並委任了兩個特別委員
            Committee on Elderly Housing and the Task Force on Design and   會的成員。執行委員會亦批准將項目設計
            Construction; and also appointed members of the two Special   及建築工程專責小組改為項目規劃設計及
            Committees. For the Task Force on Design and Construction, the   建築工程特別委員會,並批核了其職權範
            Executive Committee approved its conversion into a Special Committee   圍及成員名單。
            on Planning, Design and Construction, and also approved its Terms of
            Reference and membership composition.

            Emoluments for Executive Committee Members                  執行委員會成員的酬金

            Non-ex officio members of the Executive Committee received an   執行委員會的非當然委員均可獲發酬金,
            honorarium in recognition of their level of accountability and time   以肯定他們對委員會工作的承擔及投入的
            commitment in committee work. These emoluments are set by the   時間。現時的酬金水平由監事會釐訂,並
            Supervisory Board, with current levels effective since 29 September   由二零一六年九月二十九日起生效。主席
            2016. The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman are entitled to HK$36,000   及副主席的酬金分別為每月三萬六千港元
            and HK$18,000 per month respectively, while HK$9,000 per month is   及一萬八千港元,而其他非當然委員的酬
            offered to each of the other non-ex officio members. As of 31 March   金為每月九千港元。截至二零一九年三月
            2019, two out of the ten non-ex officio Executive Committee members   三十一日,在十名執行委員會非當然委員
            had opted not to receive these emoluments.                  中,有兩名選擇不收取該等酬金。

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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