Page 107 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 107

CORPORaTE GOvERNaNCE 企業管治        105

               During the year, the Special Committee held three meetings with an   年內,特別委員會共舉行三次會議,整體
               overall attendance rate of 90 per cent. The Special Committee   出席率為百分之九十。特別委員會審視了
               conducted an overview of the Master Development Programme and   發展計劃大綱以及房協進行中和規劃項目
               the development details of the Housing Society’s ongoing and planned   的發展細節,亦檢討了管理層於未來項目
               projects. Management’s road map for “Modular Integrated     採用「組裝合成」建築法和「建築資訊模型」
               Construction” (MiC) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) for the   所定制的路向。特別委員會已考慮並認可
               forthcoming projects were also reviewed. It had considered and   石排灣道及百和路項目兩份地基合約的招
               endorsed tender recommendations for the two foundation works   標建議,以及管理層建議於乙明邨以「組裝
               contracts, namely for the Shek Pai Wan Road and Pak Wo Road projects,   合成」建築法興建長者住屋的方案。特別委
               as well as Management’s initiation of the proposed Elderly Flats   員會知悉有關位於安達臣石礦場和啟德新
               Provision with MiC at Jat Min Chuen. The Special Committee took note   項目的資料,並就項目戰略採購諮詢服務
               of the information regarding new projects at Anderson Road Quarry   提供意見和建議。特別委員會亦巡查了正
               and the Kai Tak area, and also provided advice and suggestions on   在施工的項目地盤,視察了收樓標準板房,
               procurement strategies for consultancy services around the projects.   並分別覆視了「翠鳴臺」及「翠嶺峰」的建築
               The Special Committee also visited sites for projects under construction,   進度。此外,特別委員會密切跟進主要發
               inspected the Handover Quality Standard Mock-ups and also reviewed   展及重建項目的進度,包括定期審閱管理
               construction progress of the Terrace Concerto and the Mount Verdant   層的進度報告。
               respectively. Furthermore, it kept track of the progress of major
               development and redevelopment projects, including regularly
               reviewing Management’s progress reports.

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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