Page 102 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 102
100 Corporate Sustainability 企業持續發展
In respect of compliance, internal control and risk management, the 在合規、內部監控及風險管理方面,審核
Audit Committee approved the annual internal audit plan and reviewed 委員會批核全年內部審核計劃及檢討計劃
the implementation status. It reviewed eight internal audit reports and 的推行情況。審核委員會審閱了八份內部
the implementation of the agreed management actions. The Audit 審核報告及所採取的協定管理措施。審核
Committee also reviewed a number of other reports including the 委員會亦審閱多份其他報告,包括企業風
enterprise risk management framework and annual risk assessment 險管理框架及全年風險評估最新資料報告、
update; the technical audit reports on project and property 有關項目及物業保養的技術審核報告、有
maintenance; the report on complaints referred by the Office of the 關申訴專員公署所轉介投訴的報告及廉政
Ombudsman and the corruption prevention advisory reports from the 公署防止貪污處發出的防止貪污諮詢報告。
Corruption Prevention Department of the Independent Commission 審核委員會每半年向監事會提交報告,內
Against Corruption. The Audit Committee submitted reports to the 容有關根據內部稽核功能及外聘核數師的
Supervisory Board on a half-yearly basis on the overall adequacy and 工作來檢討房協在合規、道德標準、風險
effectiveness of the compliance, ethical standards, risk management 管理及內部監控系統方面的整體充足程度
and internal control systems based on the work of the internal and 及成效。
external assurance providers.
Nominating Committee 提名委員會
The Nominating Committee acts on behalf of the Supervisory Board 提名委員會代表監事會監察房協委員的提
and oversees the Housing Society’s membership nomination and 名及選舉程序,以及審核新委員加入房協
election processes, as well as admission of new members to the 的程序,致力確保房協委員具備均衡的才
Housing Society. It is dedicated to ensuring that the Housing Society 能及專業背景。
membership consists of a balanced mix of skills and professional
There were seven members on the Nominating Committee as of 1 April 截至二零一八年四月一日,提名委員會共
2018, comprising the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the 有七名成員,包括監事會主席及副主席、
Supervisory Board, the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing 由運輸及房屋局常任秘書長(房屋)出任的
(Housing) serving as an ex officio member, the Chief Executive Officer 當然委員、行政總裁兼執行總幹事、監事
and Executive Director, the immediate past Chairman of the Supervisory 會上任主席及另外兩名監事會成員。於二
Board, and two other members of the Supervisory Board. At the 零一八年周年委員大會後接續舉行的監事
Supervisory Board meeting held immediately after the 2018 AGM, the 會會議上,新獲選主席陳家樂先生及新獲
newly-elected Chairman Mr Walter Chan Kar-lok and the newly-elected 選副主席凌嘉勤教授分別出任提名委員會
Vice-Chairman Prof Ling Kar-kan, served as the Chairman and a member 主席及成員。鄔滿海先生及梁國權先生分
of the Nominating Committee respectively. Mr Marco Wu Moon-hoi 別以房協上任主席及上任副主席的身份繼
and Mr Lincoln Leong Kwok-kuen continued serving on the Nominating 續出任提名委員會成員。截至二零一九年
Committee in their capacities as the immediate past Chairman and the 三月三十一日,提名委員會共有八名成員。
immediate past Vice-Chairman of the Housing Society respectively. The
Nominating Committee consisted of eight members as of 31 March
Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19