Page 110 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 110

108   Corporate Sustainability 企業持續發展

            ENtERPRiSE RiSK MANAgEMENt

            Risk management is a fundamental element of corporate governance,   風險管理是企業管治的基本元素,也是房
            playing an integral part in the Housing Society’s strategic planning,   協在策略規劃、業務發展及監控過程中的
            business development and monitoring processes. Its integration into   不可或缺的一部分。將風險管理融入業務
            our business planning process and daily operations enables the   規劃過程及日常營運中,讓管理層的決策
            Management to make risk-informed decisions and provides better   建基於仔細的風險評估上,確保達致長遠
            assurances to achieve long-term corporate goals.            的企業目標。

            The Housing Society has adopted an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)   房協採納「企業風險管理」框架,作為積極
            framework as a tool to proactively identify and manage strategic and   辨識及管理與機構有關的策略及營運風險
            operational risks relating to the organisation. Under this framework, we   的工具。在此框架下,房協已制訂一套風
            have established a risk governance structure and defined the risk   險管治架構,並確立風險管理程序。
            management processes.

            Risk Management governance Structure and                    風險管理的管治架構及程序
            The Housing Society has a tiered structure in risk governance, which   房協在風險管治上採用層次分明的架構,
            allows for clearly defined roles and responsibilities for each party under   在既定的管治架構下,各崗位的角色和職
            the established governance structure.                       責均有明確區分。

            Risk management at the Housing Society has board-level commitment   房協的風險管理由管治層承擔及統籌。審
            and oversight. Our Audit Committee reports to the Supervisory Board   核委員會向監事會匯報,並負責監察房協
            and is responsible for monitoring the Society’s internal control system,   的內部監控系統,包括風險管理、整體操
            including risk management, overall ethical standards and compliance   守水平和遵守適用規例。內部及外聘審計
            with applicable regulations. Internal and external auditors also refer to   師亦參考此風險管理系統,藉以釐定最終
            this risk management system to determine required assessments and   配合整體監控環境的評估及檢討工作。
            reviews, which ultimately complement the overall control environment.

            The Risk Management Committee, which comprises the Chief Executive   風險管理委員會由行政總裁兼執行總幹事、
            Officer and Executive Director, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Directors   副行政總裁、總監及高層管理人員組成,
            and senior managers, has an overall accountability for managing the   全面承擔監察房協主要風險,並確保風險
            Housing Society’s key risks and ensuring the effectiveness of risk   管理程序奏效的責任。在營運層面上,每
            management processes. At the operational level, all our employees are   位僱員須負責識別、管理及匯報個別工作
            responsible for identifying, managing and reporting operational risks in   崗位所涉及的營運風險。
            their own functions.

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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