Page 112 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 112

110   Corporate Sustainability 企業持續發展

            Operational risks affect the effectiveness of our daily operations and we   營運風險影響日常營運的成效,而我們界
            have classified eleven risks that would substantially affect our corporate   定了十一項將對我們的企業營運表現有重
            operating performance. To handle them most effectively, we   大影響的營運風險。為求以最有效的方式
            subsequently defined risk-mitigating measures and captured Key Risk   應對相關營運風險,我們其後制訂減輕風
            Indicators on a regular basis for risk monitoring. These included   險的措施,並定期記錄主要風險指標以供
            measures to ensure that our housing products and related services are   監察風險。這些措施的成效包括確保我們
            financially viable and delivered according to the expectations of our   所提供房屋產品及相關服務在財政上均屬
            various stakeholders. Measures were also defined to monitor the cost,   切實可行,並符合不同持份者的期望,以
            progress, quality and safety standards of all the housing projects under   及監察所有發展中房屋項目的成本、進度、
            development.                                                質素及安全標準。

            As the Housing Society operates on a self-financing principle, we have   由於房協以自負盈虧的模式營運,我們有
            put in place a process to closely monitor the financial performance of   既定的程序,密切監察投資框架下證券投
            our securities investments under an established investment framework,   資的財務表現,並確保有充裕資金應付發
            and ensure there are sufficient funds for projects in the development   展中的項目。我們亦已制訂降低風險的措
            pipeline. Mitigating measures are also defined and monitored regularly   施,並定期監察,以應對涉及來自資訊科
            to address operational risks related to our internal capabilities and   技、人力資源、企業傳訊及企業服務的內
            support from information technology, human resources, corporate   部能力及支援的營運風險。
            communications and corporate services.

            Key Areas of Strategic Risks                                策略風險的主要範疇
            Property Sales                                              物業銷售
            In June 2018, the Government changed the pricing mechanism for the   於二零一八年六月,政府推出居屋定價新
            Home Ownership Scheme flats. Under the new mechanism, the   機制。新機制下,我們日後來自資助出售
            revenue from our future Subsidised Sale Flats (SSF) projects are likely to   房屋項目的收入有可能減少,原因是售價
            be reduced, as the subsidised units are priced at an affordable level   將按照申請者的負擔能力並參考非業主住
            linked to the median income of non-owner occupier households.  戶收入中位數釐訂。

            To ensure our long-term financial sustainability, the Management had   為確保我們的長期財務持續能力,管理層
            reviewed the financial models of our SSF projects and various mixed   已檢討資助出售房屋項目及多個混合式住
            housing schemes. With the support of the Transport and Housing   屋計劃的財政模式。在運輸及房屋局的支
            Bureau, we were able to secure a revised land premium arrangement,   持下,經修訂的地價安排,可確保減低日
            which would lower our future development cost. Going forward, we   後發展成本。展望將來,我們將確保項目
            will ensure our projects are designed and constructed in a cost-efficient   以具成本效益的方式設計和建造,符合客
            manner, and match the expectations of our customers.        戶期望。

            Dedicated Rehousing Estates                                 專用安置屋邨
            The primary purpose of the DRE is to accommodate the rehousing   設立專用安置屋邨的主要目的是為受政府
            needs of eligible households affected by the Government’s   發展清拆行動所影響的合資格家庭提供住
            development clearance exercises. As this is a long-term and extended   屋安置。由於有關過程漫長,管理層將尋
            process, the Management will explore ways to ensure financial viability   求以不同方式確保項目的財務可行性,同
            of our projects in the pipeline with a view to continuing our support to   時繼續支持政府的發展清拆行動。
            the government’s development clearance exercises.

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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