Page 111 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 111

ENTERPRISE RISK MaNaGEMENT 企業風險管理        109

               Risk management is embedded in our business processes to ensure   風險管理亦融入業務流程當中,確保我們
               that our responses to risks remain current and dynamic. During the   能適時及靈活應對。在業務規劃周期中,
               business planning cycle, the Management assesses the risks in   管理層評估在達致策略目標上涉及的風險,
               achieving our strategic objectives, and incorporates relevant mitigating   並納入減低及控制風險的措施,以便日後
               and control measures for subsequent monitoring. In 2018/19, we had   進行監控。二零一八╱一九年度中,我們已
               conducted regular operational reviews for different businesses, and   就不同業務進行營運檢討,就對房協構成
               critical issues with substantial impact on the Housing Society were   重大影響的事項,均適時向執行委員會和
               reported to the Executive Committee and Audit Committee in a timely   審核委員會匯報。

               Risk Assessment and Management                              風險評估及管理

               Once a year, the Management conducts an organisation-wide   每年,管理層就房協整個機構進行全面的
               assessment of the Housing Society’s overall risk exposure across   風險評估,覆蓋各項業務流程,因應當前
               different business processes, reviewing strategic and operational risks   業務環境檢討策略和營運風險,以及更新
               and updating respective controls to reflect the current business   相關監控程序。風險評估結果納入企業風
               environment. The risk assessment results are captured in a Corporate   險登記冊,並向執行委員會及審核委員會
               Risk Register, with the findings reported to both the Executive   匯報。
               Committee and Audit Committee.

               We also perform business continuity drills periodically to ensure that   房協亦定期進行業務持續性演練,確保「持
               the Housing Society’s Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is effective and   續業務運作規劃」的有效性,並在緊急或危
               that critical services are delivered during emergency or crisis situations.   急的情況下能如常提供關鍵服務。「持續業
               The BCP covers our critical business processes, alternate office   務運作規劃」涵蓋關鍵業務流程、備用辦公
               arrangements and activation procedures, an IT disaster recovery process   室安排及啟動程序、資訊科技災難修復程
               as well as the resumption of office procedures.             序,以及辦公室復原程序。

               The Housing Society is exposed to strategic risks in the pursuit of its   房協於實踐企業目標的過程中面對策略風
               corporate objectives. For balanced and systematic risk management   險。為平衡及有系統地管理涵蓋持份者及
               covering stakeholders and capabilities, we have defined strategic risks   機構能力的風險,我們已辨識四個範疇的
               in four perspectives: Customers, Government & Community, Corporate   策略風險,分別為「顧客」、「政府與社區」、
               Governance & Process and Resources.                        「企業管治與程序」,以及「資源」。

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116