Page 21 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 21

In face of acute shortage in land and housing supply, it has been a real   面對土地及房屋供應嚴重短缺的挑戰,房
               challenge for the Housing Society to accomplish its goals while   協迎難而上,為達成目標努力不懈。來自
               overcoming all the hurdles. Nevertheless, the support from the   政府和持份者的支持,是有力的後盾,支
               Government and all the stakeholders has been a strong backing for our   持我們的工作和持續發展,特別在資助出
               work and sustainable development, particularly in the areas of   售房屋、過渡性房屋及專用安置屋邨等範
               subsidised sale flats, transitional housing and dedicated rehousing   疇。為有需要人士建設居所,尤其是長者,
               estates. Creating homes for those in need, particularly the elderly, has   更是房協目標的重中之重。隨著近年香港
               been one of our top priorities. With Hong Kong seeing major   相繼推出大型重建及活化計劃,我們將繼
               redevelopments and rejuvenation in recent years, we will continue to   續在解決香港市民的住屋需要上擔當重要
               play a key role in addressing the housing needs of citizens in Hong Kong.  角色。

               Putting Housing initiatives into Action                     房屋計劃付諸實行
               Subsidised Sale Flats                                       資助出售房屋
               Over the years, we have been working closely with the Government in   多年來我們一直與政府緊密合作提供資助
               the provision of Subsidised Sale Flats (SSF) to increase the supply of   出售房屋,以增加香港可負擔房屋的供應。
               affordable housing in Hong Kong. Our second SSF project, the Greenhill   房協第二個資助出售房屋項目沙田綠怡雅
               Villa in Sha Tin, is close to completion, and the flats are expected to be   苑即將落成,單位可望於二零二零年第一
               handed over to purchasers by the first quarter of 2020. Other on-going   季交付買家。新項目屯門翠鳴臺和將軍澳
               projects, namely Terrace Concerto at Tuen Mun and Mount Verdant at   翠嶺峰的工程進度穩定,亦可望於分別於
               Tseung Kwan O, are also in steady progress, with expected completion   二零一九及二零二零年落成。該三個項目
               in 2019 and 2020 respectively as well. These three projects will add   將令房協的資助出售房屋數目增添1,640個
               1,640 flats to our subsidised housing portfolio.            單位。

               Last year, the Government reviewed the land premium arrangements   去年,政府檢討房協轄下資助房屋項目的
               for our subsidised housing projects and approved to grant our future   地價安排,批准日後以象徵式地價1,000港
               sites for rental housing at a nominal land premium of HK$1,000 and   元向房協批地作興建出租房屋,而資助出
               those for SSF at one-third of full market value. As an immediate impact,   售房屋項目的地價則為市值地價的三分之
               the HK$1.3 billion land premium payments originally earmarked for the   一。新政策所帶來的即時效果是原先預留
               Shek Pai Wan Road project and Ting On Street project would not be   用作石排灣項目及定安街項目的13億港元
               expended. These arrangements could help ensure the sustainability of   地價,將毋須支付。有關安排長遠有助確
               our business in the long-term, in meeting the housing needs of our   保房協的業務持續發展,滿足市民的住屋
               Hong Kong citizens.                                         需求。

                                       Three Subsidised Sale Flats projects under
                                       construction will provide


                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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