Page 194 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 194

192   audited Financial Statements 已審核財務報表

            NOtES tO tHE FiNANCiAl StAtEMENtS

            23.  Commitments for property development/                  23.  物業發展、改善及社會項目
                 improvements/social projects                                承擔

                 At the end of the reporting period, the commitments in respect of   於 報 告 期 末 有 關 物 業 發 展、屋 邨 重
                 property developments, estate redevelopment/improvement work   建、樓宇改善工程及社會項目未入賬
                 and social projects, which have not been provided for in the financial   的承擔金額概括如下:
                 statements are as follows:

                  (in HK$Million)                   (港幣百萬元)                               2019       2018

                  Contracted but not provided for    已簽約但未作出撥備的工程                       2,592.0     2,962.5
                  Authorised but not contracted for  已經核准而未簽約的工程                       43,270.0    15,287.4

                                                                                       45,862.0    18,249.9

                 In addition to the estate redevelopment commitments included in   房屋協會於報告期末估計,除了以上屋
                 the above, the Housing Society estimated at the end of the reporting   邨重建的承擔,還會就樓齡超過四十年
                 period that it will commit an additional amount of HK$9,656.7 million   的十個(二零一八年:十個)其中兩個
                 (2018: HK$13,125.1 million) for the redevelopment of two (2018: two)   (二零一八年:兩個)出租屋邨重建項目
                 of the ten (2018: ten) rental estates aged over 40 years.   作 出 承 擔, 額 外 承 擔 金 額 為 港 幣

            24.  Operating lease arrangements                           24.  營運租約安排
                 At the end of the reporting period, the Housing Society had   於報告期末,房屋協會與其租戶就有
                 contracted with tenants for future minimum lease payments under   關出租物業的不可取消營運租約,於
                 non-cancellable operating leases in respect of rented premises which   下列到期時限的最少租金收入:
                 fall due as follows:

                  (in HK$Million)                   (港幣百萬元)                               2019       2018

                  Within 1 year                      一年內                                 719.9       645.1
                  2 to 5 years                       兩至五年內                               473.8       470.0

                  Over 5 years                       五年以後                                 19.2        25.8

                                                                                        1,212.9     1,140.9

                 Majority of the leases are negotiated for terms ranging from two to   大部分的租約期限為二至三年。除部
                 three years. Rentals are generally fixed over the lease terms except   分停車場其租金按該停車場營運商之
                 that rental of certain car parks is calculated on a percentage of their   總營業額的百分比計算,其他租金在
                 respective car parks operator’s gross revenue.              租約期內一般是固定的。

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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