Page 193 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 193
21. Provisions (continued) 21. 準備(續)
(c) Building management/maintenance incentives (c) 樓宇管理及維修資助
Under the Building Management and Maintenance Scheme, 樓宇管理及維修資助計劃為合
eligible applicants will be granted financial assistance when 資格的申請人提供有關的財務
they satisfy certain criteria. Management estimates and 資助。當申請獲批核後,管理
provides for the amount of incentives when the applications 層估計及撥備樓宇管理及維修
are approved. Should the actual maintenance expenses be 之資助金額。如將來實際資助
different from the expected, adjustment to the carrying 與估計有偏差,其可能引致準
amount of the provision may arise. 備的賬面價值有調整。
22. loans from government 22. 政府貸款
(in HK$Million) (港幣百萬元) 2019 2018
Loans from government repayable 政府貸款按以下期限償還
Within 1 year 一年內 3.5 3.5
After 1 year, but within 2 years 一年至兩年內 3.5 3.5
After 2 years, but within 5 years 兩年至五年內 10.6 10.6
After 5 years 五年以上 22.0 25.5
39.6 43.1
Less: Amount due within one year included 減:包括在流動負債項目內的
in current liabilities 一年內到期部分 (3.5) (3.5)
Amount due after one year 一年後到期的款額 36.1 39.6
All the loans from government were obtained prior to 1 April 2009. 以上政府貸款全是二零零九年四月一
The loans are interest free and repayable in 480 equal monthly 日前借貸。貸款是免息,其還款期為
instalments from the draw down date. The fair value of the loans at 分四百八十期等額每月還款。根據報
31 March 2019, which is determined by discounting the estimated 告期末的市場利率貼現以上貸款的未
future cash flows at the prevailing market rate at the end of the 來 現 金 流 量,其 於 二 零 一 九 年 三 月
reporting period, is HK$35.9 million (2018: HK$37.9 million). 三 十 一 日 之 公 允 價 值 為 港 幣
香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報