Page 196 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 196

194   audited Financial Statements 已審核財務報表

            NOtES tO tHE FiNANCiAl StAtEMENtS

            26.  government contribution and assistance                 26.  政府津貼及援助

                 (a)  Concessionary land premiums                            (a)   優惠批地價格
                     Since the incorporation of the Housing Society, a number of   自房屋協會成立以來,政府為
                     sites have been granted by the government under lease terms   要輔助提供房屋予合資格家庭
                     to facilitate the provision of housing to eligible families and   和年長者,向房屋協會批出一
                     elderly. Depending on the nature of the land grant, special   批土地。視乎批地的性質,在
                     terms and conditions are incorporated in the Condition of    地契的批地條款中加入了特別
                     Grant to restrict the user of the land and alienation of the   的期限和條款用以限制該些批
                     property.                                                    地的使用者及其轉讓權。

                     Subject to these special terms and conditions, sites developed   受這些期限和條款的限制,用
                     for public rental housing purposes are granted at one-third of   以興建公共出租房屋的批地是
                     full market value; sites for building flats for sales to eligible   以全市場價值的三分之一批出;
                     families at concessionary prices are granted at half of full   用以興建房屋並以優惠價格出
                     market value; sites for developing rural public housing and   售該等房屋予合資格家庭的批
                     senior citizen residence are granted at nominal premium.     地是以全市場價值的二分之一

                     During the year, concessionary land premium paid to the      房屋協會於本年內向政府支付
                     government amounted to HK$1,000 (2018: HK$nil). At the end   的優惠批地價款為港幣一千元
                     of the reporting period, the carrying value of the lands acquired   (二零一八年:零)。於報告期
                     through the above arrangement amounted to HK$1,950.7         末,通過上述安排獲得的土地
                     million (2018: HK$1,963.6 million), which has been recognised   的賬面價值為港幣十九億五千
                     as investment properties or properties under development for   零七十萬元(二零一八年:港幣
                     sale in the statement of financial position.                 十九億六千三百六十萬元)。這

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