Page 197 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 197


               26.  government contribution and assistance (continued)     26.  政府津貼及援助(續)
                    (b)  loans from government                                  (b)  政府貸款
                        The government has provided interest free loans to the      政府已就兩個郊區公共出租房
                        Housing Society for the development of two rural public     屋發展項目為房屋協會提供無
                        housing estates. Details of the loans from the government are   息貸款。政府貸款詳情可見附
                        set out in Note 22.                                         註二十二。

                        At the end of the reporting period, cumulative notional interest   於報告期末,政府貸款的累計
                        for the loans from the government is estimated at HK$147.5   名 義 利 息 估 計 達 港 幣
                        million (2018: HK$145.4 million). Full market premium of the   一 億 四 千 七 百 五 十 萬 元(二 零
                        lands where the two rural public housing estates were erected   一八年:港幣一億四千五百四十
                        is estimated at HK$642.4 million (2018: HK$608.8 million).  萬元)。兩個郊區公共出租房屋
                                                                                    元( 二 零 一 八 年: 港 幣 六 億 零

                        The full market premium is estimated based on the assumption   市 價 的 估 計 是 假 設 上 述 附 註
                        that restrictions imposed in the land grant under the special   二十六 (a) 所列特別期限和條款
                        terms and conditions described in note 26(a) above are not   對批出土地的限制不適用。

               27.  Notes to statement of cash flows                       27.  現金流量表附註
                    Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities    融資活動產生的負債變動  —  政府
                    — loans from government                                     貸款

                     (in HK$Million)                   (港幣百萬元)                              2019        2018
                     At 1 April                         四月一日                                 43.1        46.7

                     Changes from financing cash flows  融資現金流量變動                             (3.5)       (3.6)

                     At 31 March                        三月三十一日                               39.6        43.1

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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