Page 24 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 24

22    CEO’s Review of Operations 行政總裁業務回顧

            Dedicated Rehousing Estates                                 專用安置屋邨
            To support the Government’s development projects, we have been   為支持政府的發展項目,我們正籌劃興建
            planning DREs to accommodate residents affected by related clearance   專用安置屋邨,用作安置受政府相關清拆
            exercises. The Pak Wo Road DRE project will provide about 510 public   行動影響的居民。百和路項目將提供約 510
            rental flats, 700 SSF units and 260 Senior Citizen Residences (SEN) flats   個出租屋邨單位、700個資助出售房屋單位
            with facilities including two Residential Care Homes for the Elderly, a   及260個「長者安居樂」單位,另有兩個護
            shopping centre and public parking spaces. Three additional sites have   理安老院舍、一個購物商場及公眾停車場。
            been identified at Hung Shui Kiu, Kwu Tung North and Kai Tak by the   政府已另外覓得三幅位於洪水橋、古洞北
            Government for the purpose of accommodating eligible households   及啟德的用地興建專用安置屋邨,以安置
            affected by the Government’s upcoming development projects or   受政府清拆行動或重建影響的合資格住戶。
            redevelopment projects. The planning and relevant procedures will be   規劃及相關工作將交由房協負責。預期該
            undertaken by the Housing Society. These projects are expected to   等項目將由二零二四年起逐步落成。
            complete progressively from 2024 onwards.

            Housing initiatives for the Elderly                         長者房屋發展項目
            2019 marks the 20  anniversary of the Housing Society’s efforts in   二零一九年是房協發展長者房屋的二十周
            elderly housing development. In the late 1990s, SEN was initiated with   年。於九十年代後期,房協在政府支持下
            the Government support. Under the Scheme, elderly housing   推出「長者安居樂」住屋計劃。該計劃專為
            developments catering for the middle-income elderly are fitted with   中產長者而設,提供配備「長者友善」設計
            elderly-friendly designs and features, in which lifetime lease tenants are   和功能的安樂窩,租戶可終生入住,並獲
            provided with one-stop holistic care. We are now planning to work on a   提供一應俱全的照護服務。我們現正策劃
            third SEN project at Lee Kung Street, Hung Hom, which is due for   第三個位於紅磡利工街的「長者安居樂」項
            completion in 2022 to provide about 300 flats. Incorporating the   目,提供約300個單位,將於二零二二年落
            experience from our two existing SEN projects, namely Jolly Place at   成。借鑑於兩個現有「長者安居樂」項目(將
            Tseung Kwan O and Cheerful Court in Jordan Valley, the new project   軍澳樂頤居及佐敦谷彩頤居)的經驗,以及
            will have facilities and amenities catering to the preferred lifestyle of the   住戶的意見,新項目的樓宇及康樂設施將
            elderly tenants as expressed in their feedback on the two existing   更能符合長者租戶的理想生活模式。

            Meanwhile, we are planning to build a 10-storey residential block with   與此同時,我們正計劃利用乙明邨尚未用
            about 70 elderly-friendly rental flats at Jat Min Chuen, by utilising the   盡的地積比率在村內興建一幢十層高的住
            unused plot ratio at the estate. Adopting the Modular Integrated   宅樓宇,提供約七十個長者友善出租單位。

                                                             SEN Project at
                                                             lee Kung Street provides

                                           2022             Over                                        Flats

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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