Page 26 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 26

24    CEO’s Review of Operations 行政總裁業務回顧

            Building Capacity for Achieving Success                     提升能力  繼續創佳績
            With the rapid changing social, economic and technological   隨著社會、經濟及科技發展一日千里,我
            landscapes, we need to strengthen our capacity for keeping abreast of   們必須自強不息,與時並進,提供切合市
            times and align with the needs of the people. We will continue to   民需要的房屋及服務。我們將借助先進科
            explore new solutions leveraging on the use of advanced technologies,   技不斷探討嶄新的方案,並與公眾及持份
            and connect with the public and stakeholders in achieving success.  者保持聯繫,務求創出佳績。

            use of innovative technologies                              善用創新科技
            The use of MiC in constructing the elderly block at Jat Min Chuen will   使用「組裝合成」建築法在乙明邨興建長者
            bring about the advantage of expediting construction works and   房屋,可以加快施工速度和減少建築廢料。
            reducing construction waste. We will also pilot the use of Building   我們亦會在觀塘定安街的安置項目試用「建
            Information Modelling (BIM) in our redevelopment project at Ting On   築信息模擬」。「建築信息模擬」使用三維模
            Street in Kwun Tong. BIM, which generates three dimensional   擬軟件展示建築資訊,是一個集工程規劃、
            representation of building data, has proved to be a powerful digital   施工及調控於一身的強大數碼平台。同一
            platform for the planning, constructing and regulating of works.   項目的規劃師、建築師及工程師可輕易存
            Planners, architects and engineers across multiple agencies will have   取各層次的數據及信息,令規劃及建築程
            easy access to layers of data and information, and this will enable the   序更有效率和更具成本效益。換言之,先
            planning and the building process to be more efficient and cost   進的工具和科技有助提升房協建設更美好
            effective. In other words, both tools and technologies will help to   居所的能力,令房協的發展項目在規劃及
            improve our capacity to build better homes with more accurate   執行上更加精準。
            planning and execution of our developments.

            Empowering the Workforce with training                      透過培訓增強團隊實力
            We attached great important to the performance, integrity and   員工是房協的骨幹,因此我們非常重視員
            professional ethics of our employees, who are the backbone of our   工的表現、誠信及專業操守。我們定期為
            organisation. Capacity building training are conducted regularly for our   員工舉辦提升工作能力的培訓,促使其達
            staff in a way to empower them for achieving the goal and mission of   成房協的目標及使命。我們亦為員工提供
            the Housing Society. We also groomed our employees by imparting   有關管理及人事事務的訓練。於回顧年度,
            training related to management and personnel matters. During the   房協進行了一項大規模的團隊培訓計劃,
            year under review, a corporate-wide team building programme was   加強各部門員工之間的團隊精神。
            implemented to reinforce the team spirit of staff across all divisions.

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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