Page 23 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 23


                                                 “T-Home” at Yue Kwong Chuen provides
                                                       200                                           單位
                                                 漁光村「暫租住屋」提供                                         flats


               construction progress to ensure timely delivery of works. The revised   確保能按時完工。明華大廈第二期及第三
               Master Layout Plans for Phases II and III have been approved to shorten   期的修訂總綱發展藍圖已獲批准,以縮短
               the redevelopment programme with the objective of minimising   重建計劃的時間,務求減低對租戶的影響,
               nuisance caused to our tenants while speeding up the supply of   並加快資助房屋的供應。漁光村、觀塘花
               subsidised housing. Plans for redevelopment in Yue Kwong Chuen,   園大廈及真善美村的安置屋邨將分別於二
               Kwun Tong Garden Estate and Chun Seen Mei Chuen have also been   零一九年及二零二零年動工興建,其重建
               drawn up as they await commencement of construction works of   計劃亦在籌備中。
               decanting estates in 2019 and 2020.
               transitional Housing                                        過渡性房屋

               In July 2018, we launched our first “T-Home” project, the transitional   二零一八年七月,房協耗資2,600 萬港元推
               housing catering for waitlisted applicants for public rental housing.   出首個「暫租住屋」項目,將漁光村內 200
               More than 200 vacant flats at Yue Kwong Chuen pending       多個有待重建的空置單位翻新,為公屋輪
               redevelopment were refurbished and turned into “T-Home” with an   候冊上的申請人提供過渡性房屋。該項目
               estimated cost of HK$26 million. A total of 1,399 applications were   共接獲 1,399 份申請。在單位翻修工程完成
               received for the project. Soon after our speedy renovation work, tenants   後不久,租戶已於二零一八年十一月開始
               started moving in from November 2018, and the project was very well   陸續遷入,並對居住環境感到十分滿意。
               received. Riding on the success of the project, we are getting ready to   由於項目廣受市民歡迎,我們準備投放約
               convert Trackside Villas in Tai Po, premises of MTR Corporation Limited,   一千萬港元將香港鐵路有限公司轄下位於
               into another transitional housing project, at a capital cost of some   大埔的「策誠軒」的空置單位轉變成另一個
               HK$10 million. This project is expected to be launched in late 2019 to   「暫租住屋」項目,預計於二零一九年底推
               provide over 150 residential units to eligible households in need.  出,為合資格人士提供逾150個住宅單位。

               To increase the supply of potential transitional homes by releasing   為釋放更多現有房屋資源以增加過渡性房
               existing housing spaces, we have also piloted the “Letting Scheme for   屋的供應,我們亦於二零一八年九月試行
               Subsidised Sale Developments with Premium Unpaid” in September   「未補價資助出售房屋─出租計劃」。此項
               2018. Under the initial Scheme, owners of subsidised sale developments   先導計劃讓房協轄下資助出售房屋項目(約
               (about 13,000 eligible flats) under the Housing Society are allowed to   有13,000個合資格單位)的業主,可在未補
               let individual bedroom(s) to eligible families and individuals without   價的情況下將單位內的個別睡房出租予合
               payment of premium. Since its launch, we had received a total of 13   資格家庭及單身人士。自計劃推出以來,
               owners’ applications with 5 “Eligible-To-Let Certificate” issued and 53   我們共接獲十三份業主申請並發出五份「合
               applications from tenant households with 23 “Eligible-To-Rent   資格出租證明書」,另接獲五十三份來自租
               Certificate” issued.                                        戶的申請並發出二十三份「合資格租住證明

               We are currently reviewing the enhancement measures in the hope of   房協現正就計劃進行檢討,希望推出優化
               increasing participation in the Scheme, after results of an online survey   措施以吸引更多市民參加。我們透過網上
               involving more than 1,400 respondents revealed that 70% are in   調查,成功向1,400 多名市民收集意見,七
               support of leasing the entire flat to eligible tenant households with   成受訪者表示贊成容許業主在免補價的情
               premium unpaid.                                             況下將整個單位租予合資格租戶。

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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