Page 63 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 63

BuIlDING QualITY HOMES 創建優質居所        61

               Subsidised Sale Flats                                       資助出售房屋
               The Housing Society has been working in partnership with the   房協一向與政府合作無間,以增加香港的
               Government to raise the supply of affordable housing in Hong Kong,   可負擔房屋供應,特別是資助出售房屋。
               particularly in the area of SSF. During the fiscal year under review, new   年內,政府增加撥地予房協興建資助出售
               sites have been allocated to the Housing Society for SSF developments,   房屋,相關發展項目均如期取得良好進展。
               and these projects have been making good progress and are on

               New Project Sites at Anderson Road Quarry and Kai tak       安達臣道石礦場及啟德的新項目用地
               In mid-2018, the Chief Executive announced that nine private housing   於二零一八年年中,行政長官宣布將九幅
               sites would be reallocated for public housing. Upon the Government’s   私營房屋用地重新規劃作公營房屋用途。
               invitation, the Housing Society has agreed to take up a site at Kai Tak   房協接納政府的邀請,計劃將一幅啟德用
               and three others at Anderson Road Quarry for SSF developments, which   地及三幅安達臣道石礦場用地發展資助出
               are capable of supplying 4,600 new SSF units. Subsequent to the   售房屋,合共提供 4,600 個資助出售房屋單
               confirmation of these project sites, the Housing Society has been   位。在確定該等項目用地後,房協正與各
               working hand in hand with respective government departments to   政府部門攜手合作,協調批地程序,並在
               coordinate the land grant process as well as to discuss the planning   需要時磋商規劃事宜。安達臣道石礦場首
               issues where necessary. It is anticipated that construction for the first   幅用地預計將於二零二零年展開工程,項
               site at Anderson Road Quarry will be commenced in 2020, and the   目預期將於二零二五年至二零二六年之間
               projects are expected to complete between 2025 and 2026, with an   落成,預計每幅用地需時五年完成。
               estimated five-year completion timeline for each of these sites.

                                               Sixteen projects under
                                               planning or construction,

                                               providing over


                                                                               residential units


                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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