Page 76 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 76

74    Business Overview 業務概覽

            CONtRiButiNg tO A SuStAiNABlE COMMuNitY

              Expenditure on Social Projects

              (Cumulative) HK$million      as at 31 March 2019
                (累計)港幣百萬元                  截至二零一九年三月三十一日止
                                   2,254      1,715 (76%)
                                              Building Management
              2,000                           and Maintenance
                                              241 (11%)
                                              City Revitalisation
              1,000                           市區活化
                                              298 (13%)
                                              Elderly Related
                   17                         Services and Others
                 0                     Year   長者相關服務及其他
                  04/05            18/19 ϋ΅

            As an organisation committed to corporate social responsibility, it is   房協作為一間對企業社會責任有承擔的機
            important to focus our efforts on the sustainable development and   構,重視可持續發展,致力造福社會和改
            betterment of our community and the environment. The Housing   善環境。年內,房協投放了9,600 萬港元支
            Society has contributed to the cause by engaging in a wide array of   持各項社區計劃,包括「長者安居資源中心」
            social initiatives, including the Elderly Resources Centre and various   及多元化的地區活動等。
            community activities, and devoted a total of HK$96 million to support
            our social projects during the year.

            Corporate Social Responsibility                             企業社會責任
            Our dedication to corporate social responsibility is manifested in a wide   房協參與各項社區活動,積極履行企業社
            range of community events and activities in which the Housing Society   會責任。年內,我們支持和參與了四十二
            took part. During the year, we supported and participated in 42   項社區活動,當中涵蓋大型可持續發展會
            community events, ranging from large-scale sustainability conferences   議以至宣揚身心健康的活動。捐款或贊助
            to activities promoting physical or mental health awareness. A total of   額合共 928,730港元,造福社群。
            HK$928,730 in contribution was made through donation or sponsorship,
            striving for the betterment of our community.

            talent Development                                          作育英才
            Our young generation is our future, and that is why we need to nurture   年輕一代是社會未來的棟樑,我們需要培
            the next generation with the belief that their talents and innovations   育年青人,協助他們發揮所長、盡展創意,
            can bring a better future for our society. By means of encouraging the   建構美好將來。透過鼓勵年輕一代爭取優
            pursuit of academic excellence among the younger generation, we   異學業成績,房協希望為社會作育英才。
            hope to bring up the best talents in society.

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81