Page 79 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 79

CONTRIBuTING TO a SuSTaINaBlE COMMuNITY 共建可持續社區         77

               Close attention has been paid to environmental protection and   房協積極關注環境保護以及建築物營運的
               improvement in the sustainability of building operations. Energy saving   可持續性。我們逐步更換現有照明系統,
               LED lighting was adopted during replacement, which is more long   使用壽命更長和高效節能的發光二極管。
               lasting and efficient. In early 2019, the Solar Photovoltaic System was   於二零一九年年初,祖堯邨率先試行可再
               first piloted at Cho Yiu Chuen, with 64 solar panels installed under the   生能源上網電價計劃,於邨內安裝了太陽
               Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff Scheme.                     能光伏系統及六十四塊太陽能板。

               For our new development projects, we adopt either a BEAM or BEAM   在新發展項目的設計及建築方面,我們均
               Plus Assessment in its design and construction to measure, improve   採取「建築環境評估法」或「綠建環評」以評
               and label the environmental performance of each project. We use   估、改善並記錄每個項目的環境表現。我
               environment-conscious construction materials and advocate recycling   們盡可能使用環保建材和鼓勵回收再用。
               wherever possible. Timber used in our temporary construction sites is   臨時建築地盤所用的木材均採購自獲森林
               sourced from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified vendors.  管理委員會(FSC)認證的供應商。

               Construction projects are performed with wider consideration for the   我們發展項目時會考慮到建築工程對環境和
               environment and the society. We encourage contractors and project   社會的影響。我們鼓勵承建商和項目參與者
               participants to be socially aware, especially if construction involves   提高警覺,尤其是鄰近學校或醫院的建築項
               schools or hospitals in the vicinity, with a view to minimising disruption.  目,務求盡量減輕工程所帶來的影響。

               At the community level, we support various recycling activities to   在社區層面,我們積極向居民推廣綠色生
               promote the concept of green living among our residents. These   活概念,支持利是封、節日食品、舊衣、購
               activities included recycling of red packets, festive food, used garment,   物袋和舊書等回收活動。回顧年內,房協
               shopping bags and old books. During the review year, 39 estates had   轄下三十九個屋邨╱屋苑均有參與相關活
               participated and around 32,700 tonnes of domestic solid waste were   動,總共回收了約32,700噸家居固體廢物,
               collected and recycled, among which 2,363 tonnes were waste paper.  當中2,363 噸為廢紙。

               For further details of our social and environmental achievements, please   有關我們推行社會及環保項目的成果及詳情,
               refer to our Sustainability Report 2018/19.                 請參閱《二零一八╱一九年度可持續發展報

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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