Page 72 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 72
70 Business Overview 業務概覽
Trackside Villas of MTR
“t-Home” Project — trackside villas 「暫租住屋」項目 — 「策誠軒」
In collaboration with the MTR Corporation Limited, the 252 flats in 房協將與港鐵有限公司合作,將252個位於
Trackside Villas at Tai Po will be converted into transitional housing 大埔的「策誠軒」空置單位,經翻新後用作
units. It would be our third “T-Home” Scheme project. Project details 過渡性房屋,成為房協轄下第三個「暫租住
were discussed at the Tai Po District Council in May 2019. It is expected 屋」計劃項目。項目於二零一九年五月在大
the tenant intake will start in April 2020. 埔區議會進行討論,預計租戶可於二零二
Project Management 項目管理
Safety incentives and Accident Rates 工地安全及意外率
Safety always comes first in construction works. The upkeeping of 「安全至上」是房協建築工程的首要原則,
contractors’ and workers’ awareness, and the promotion of construction 此外,加強承建商及工人的安全意識,以
safety knowledge is equally important. 及推廣建築安全知識同樣重要。
During the review year, the Housing Society has conducted 13 site 年內,房協共舉行十三次工地安全工作坊、
safety workshops, 13 risk management workshops, and four integrity 十三次風險管理工作坊,及四次誠信工作
workshops. Eight independent site safety audits have been undertaken 坊。職業安全健康局亦已進行八次獨立地
by the Occupational Safety and Health Council. Our efforts paid off with 盤安全稽核。房協致力減低工地意外頻率,
the average accident rate per thousand workers kept at a low level of 將每千名工人的平均意外率維持於 8.7 的低
8.7 for our construction sites. 水平。
In addition, a safety incentive scheme was put in place to reward 此外,房協推行安全獎勵計劃,表揚地盤
construction safety practices on site. Under the scheme, site workers 工人的良好建築安全行為。計劃下,奉行
with good safety practices are presented with awards as a form of 良好安全措施的地盤工人會獲得獎賞,以
incentive and recognition. 作鼓勵及嘉許。
New Construction Method 嶄新建築方法
As a “housing laboratory”, we continuously embrace innovative design 作為「房屋實驗室」,房協持續就轄下項目
and construction methods for our projects. In support of the 採用創新設計及建築方法。為支持政府推
Government’s drive to adopt “Modular Integrated Construction” (MiC) 動採用「組裝合成」建築法興建樓宇的方案,
approach in building construction, the Housing Society has decided to 房協決定於乙明邨利用當中未被使用的地
employ this method for constructing an elderly units extension in Jat 積比率,以「組裝合成」方法興建長者單位。
Min Chuen, using the unused plot ratio there.
70 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19