Page 73 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 73

BuIlDING QualITY HOMES 創建優質居所        71

               The project is expected to put up for tender in 2019, with   項目預期於二零一九年招標,二零二零年
               commencement of work in the first quarter of 2020 and completion in   第一季展開工程,並於二零二二年第一季
               the first quarter of 2022. The building, which comprises around 70   竣工。乙明邨長者房屋項目設有約七十個
               elderly flats, will be the first elderly housing constructed using steel MiC   長者單位,將為香港首個採用鋼製組件「組
               in Hong Kong.                                               裝合成」建築法興建的長者房屋。

               The MiC approach, using the concept of off-site factory assembly of   「組裝合成」建築法是將預先於廠房內完成
               modules followed by on-site module installation will be able to improve   的大型組件,運往工地現場裝嵌。此舉將
               site safety and create less disturbance and noise to nearby residents. It   能改善工地安全並減少工程對附近居民構
               also enables a more efficient building timeline and better quality   成的滋擾和噪音影響,亦可提高建築效率
               control. With the growing maturity in technology, we believe the   及更有效控制質量。隨著技術越趨成熟,
               method will increasingly be adopted in future construction works.  房協相信日後的建築工程將更廣泛採用此

               Recognition for Our Projects                                項目備受認同
               Over the years, the Housing Society and its contractors have won   歷年以來,房協及其承建商的項目及建築
               numerous building awards for its projects and building sites in   地盤曾獲取多個建築獎項,以表揚項目的
               recognition of its adoption of outstanding design and best construction   傑出設計及建築方法。

               Last year, The Tanner Hill — our first quality elderly housing project   去年,房協轄下首個優質長者房屋項目「雋
               — clinched two awards, namely Merit Award under the “Hong Kong   悅」,憑藉其創新設計及卓越質素囊括了兩
               Residential (Multiple Buildings)” category of the Quality Building Award   個重要獎項,分別為「2018 年度優質建築大
               (QBA) 2018, and Winner of the 6th Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation   獎  —  香港住宅項目(多幢建築物)」類別的
               Awards for the “Best Silver Architecture — In Operation” organised by   優異獎,及Ageing Asia Pte Ltd於二零一八
               Ageing Asia Pte Ltd in May 2018, for its innovative design and   年五月舉辦的「第六屆亞太區創新老年照護
               outstanding quality.                                        項目大獎」中的「最佳銀齡建築  —  營運」大獎。

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