Page 77 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 77

CONTRIBuTING TO a SuSTaINaBlE COMMuNITY 共建可持續社區         75

               For the 14  year running, the Hong Kong Housing Society Award (HKHS   「房協獎助學金計劃」連續第十四年向來自
               Award) has contributed a total of HK$768,000 in student scholarships   十間本港大專院校和職業訓練局轄下三個
               and bursaries for 96 students from 10 local tertiary institutes and three   機構成員的九十六名學生頒發獎助學金,
               member institutions of the Vocational Training Council. The Award is   累積合共768,000港元。「房協獎助學金計劃」
               dedicated to nurturing talent in the local housing and elderly care   旨在為本地房屋及長者服務界別培育人才,
               industries, bestowing recognition on students with outstanding   嘉許修讀相關學科的優異生。除頒發獎學
               academic performance in the relevant disciplines. Apart from prize   金外,得獎學生亦獲邀參觀「房協展覽中
               money, awardees were also invited to visit the “Housing Society   心」、「長者安居資源中心」及相關政府部
               Exhibition Centre”, “Elderly Resources Centre” and related government   門。為了加強得獎學生之間的聯繫,並協
               departments. With a view to expanding the awardees’ network and   助他們參與社區服務活動,我們將設立「房
               access to community service activities, we will be setting up the “HS   協獎學金同學會」,邀請同學會成員參加講
               Academy Alumni Club”. Club members will be invited to a series of   座和考察等一連串活動,藉此加深他們對
               activities including talks and visits, to cultivate their understanding and   業界的了解和興趣。
               interests towards the industry.

               On that note, we believe it is vital to equip our young people with   同樣,我們深信為年輕一代提供實用技能
               practical tools and on-the-job training. In 2018/19, our Summer   和在職培訓至為重要。於二零一八╱一九
               Internship Programme offered internship placements to a total of 54   年度,「暑期實習計劃」為來自二十間大專
               undergraduate students from 20 tertiary institutions. We also took part   院校,合共五十四名大學生提供實習機會。
               in the Industrial Attachment & Industrial-based Student Project of the   我們亦參加了職業訓練局舉辦的「工作實習
               Vocational Training Council, placing students in various divisions of the   及工業專題學生習作計劃」,安排學生於房
               Housing Society with the purpose of giving them hands-on experience   協不同部門實習,讓他們親身體驗職場生活。
               in a working environment.

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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