Page 78 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 78

76    Business Overview 業務概覽

            This is the tenth year running that we have participated in the Yuen   我們連續第十年參與「元朗區中學生暑期見
            Long District Secondary School Student Internship Programme and the   習計劃」以及由教育局舉辦的「工作體驗運
            Work Experience Movement organised by the Education Bureau. In   動」。於二零一八╱一九年度,我們安排了
            2018/19, we have engaged 35 students in the related programmes.  三十五名學生參與有關計劃。

            To offer an opportunity to the younger generation to get acquainted   為了讓年輕人有機會了解跨代共融,房協
            with the concept of cross-generation harmony, the HKHS Drama   於二零一九年春季舉行「突破『齡』距離」短
            Competition with the theme “Generation Gap? No Way!” was held in   劇創作比賽,收到來自十九間中學及非政
            spring 2019. A total of 20 entries was received from 19 secondary   府機構合共二十份參賽作品。總決賽當日
            schools and NGOs, and over 200 students, teachers, parents and guests   有超過二百多名師生、家長和嘉賓出席。
            took part in the finale of the Competition. Participants were given a   參賽隊伍藉此機會參加房協與香港話劇團
            chance to learn screenwriting in a workshop jointly organised by the   合辦的工作坊,學習劇本寫作,亦獲安排
            Housing Society and the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre. They also had   參觀「長者安居資源中心」,了解如何照護
            the opportunity to visit our Elderly Resources Centre to learn more   長者。各間中學及非政府機構發揮創意,
            about elderly care. Through the use of creative screenplay, performance   透過劇本創作、舞台表演及故事演繹的方
            and storytelling, secondary schools and non-profit organisations shared   式,分享跨代共融的體驗。
            their experiences on cross-generational relationships.

            Environmental Protection                                    環境保護

            To minimise the environmental impact of our developments and   為盡量減低項目發展及日常營運對環境造
            operations, we undertake various environmental impact reduction   成的影響,我們於建築工程及日常業務營
            measures across our construction projects and business operations.  運當中採取各項措施。

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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