Page 71 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 71

BuIlDING QualITY HOMES 創建優質居所        69

               “t-Home” Project — Yue Kwong Chuen                         「暫租住屋」項目 — 漁光村
               Subsequent to the approval by the Town Planning Board of a rezoning   繼城市規劃委員會批准發展毗鄰漁光村的
               application for the development of a rehousing estate in Shek Pai Wan   石排灣道安置屋邨的改劃土地用途申請後,
               Road near Yue Kwong Chuen, 217 small-sized vacant flats at Yue Kwong   房協將漁光村217個有待重建的小型空置單
               Chuen pending redevelopment were refurbished to become the first   位翻新,並於二零一八年七月推出「暫租住
               batch of units under the “T-Home” Transitional Housing Scheme in July   屋」計劃,成為房協首批過渡性房屋項目。
               2018. The Scheme, which aims to create spaces for those on the waiting   計劃目標為公屋輪候冊上的人士提供臨時
               list for public housing, was well received and resulted in 1,399   居所,市民反應熱烈,共接獲1,399份申請,
               applications, of which most were from 2-person and 3-person families   其中大部分來自二人及三人家庭(1,332份),
               (1,332), and a small number from Single Elderly Persons Priority Scheme   少量來自香港房屋委員會的高齡單身人士
               of the Hong Kong Housing Authority (28). Up till the end of March 2019,   優先配屋計劃合資格人士(28份)。截至二
               150 families have moved in while the remaining tenants will move into   零一九年三月底,已有150個家庭入住,而
               the flats in phases by May 2019.                            其餘租戶亦將相繼於二零一九年五月前分

               “letting Scheme for Subsidised Sale Developments with      「未補價資助出售房屋 — 出租計劃」
               Premium unpaid”

               In line with “The Chief Executive’s 2017 Policy Address” to provide   為配合《行政長官2017 年施政報告》所提及
               additional transitional housing for applicants waiting for public housing,   為輪候公屋申請人提供過渡性房屋事宜,
               the “Letting Scheme for Subsidised Sale Developments with Premium   房協於二零一八年九月以先導形式推出「未
               Unpaid” (Letting Scheme) was piloted in September 2018. Under the   補價資助出售房屋  —   出租計劃」(出租計
               Scheme, eligible owners of designated subsidised sale developments of   劃)。計劃下,房協指定資助出售房屋的合
               the Housing Society are allowed to let individual bedroom(s) without   資格業主可將其未補價單位的個別睡房出
               payment of premium, as a move to release existing spaces for the   租,藉以釋出現有房屋資源作為過渡性房
               purpose of transitional homes.                              屋。

               To enhance the service, an online survey was conducted to gauge   為優化計劃,房協進行網上問卷調查,以
               public opinion relating to the Letting Scheme. Of the some 1,400   收集公眾對出租計劃的意見。在 1,400多名
               respondents, over 70% of respondents are in support of the initiative   受訪者當中有超過七成表示支持容許業主
               enabling owners to let the entire flat to eligible tenant households with   將其未補價的整個單位出租予合資格租戶
               premium unpaid. We are currently working closely with the   家庭。房協現正與政府緊密合作,探討各
               Government to explore the feasibility of the enhancement and   項優化措施的可行性,並計劃於二零一九
               enhancements to the Scheme are expected to take effect by the latter   年下半年推出優化方案。
               half of 2019.

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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