Page 82 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 82

80    Business Overview 業務概覽

            CONNECtiNg WitH OuR StAKEHOlDERS

            To strengthen our connection with all of our stakeholder groups, we   為了加強與所有持份者的聯繫,我們善用
            proactively engage the use of a diverse array of platforms and channels,   多元化的溝通平台和渠道,包括新聞媒體、
            including news media, social media and direct communications, to   社交媒體及直接通訊等,從而傳達與我們
            deliver information as well as to receive feedback and opinions   工作相關的資訊,並收集回應和聽取意見。
            regarding our work.

            Celebrating Our 70  Anniversary                             慶祝房協七十周年
            In celebrating the 70  Anniversary of the Housing Society, we have   為慶祝房協七十周年,我們以「創宜居 • 活
            launched a series of public relations campaign under the theme “Create   社區」為主題舉行一連串公關宣傳活動,在
            Homes • Revive Communities” with the aim of promoting the Housing   提升房協企業形象的同時,亦促進與公眾
            Society and connecting with the general public and stakeholders.  和持份者的聯繫。

            The campaign kicked off at a cocktail reception on 17 April 2018, with   七 十 周 年 的 誌 慶 活 動 以 二 零 一 八 年 四 月
            the Honourable Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong   十七日舉行的慶祝酒會揭開序幕,由香港
            Special Administrative Region, as the Guest of Honour. She was joined   特別行政區行政長官林鄭月娥擔任主禮嘉
            by over 600 distinguished guests, including Members of the Executive   賓。獲邀出席酒會的嘉賓超過六百名,包
            and Legislative Councils, District Councillors, academia, industry peers   括行政會議成員、立法會議員、區議員、學
            and residents’ representatives, in celebrating the important milestone   者、業界及居民代表,共同慶賀房協邁進
            of the Housing Society.                                     新里程。

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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