Page 83 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 83
A series of activity to engage our residents and the community was 我們舉辦一連串誌慶活動,讓居民和社區
held to celebrate the occasion. An “Art in Estates” Mural Painting 一同參與。我們於二零一八年一月至四月
Programme was held from January to April 2018, and photo exhibitions 舉辦「快樂社區」屋邨藝術壁畫計劃,並在
capturing the fond memories of the old days were staged at our 房協轄下多個屋邨舉辦圖片展,共同回味
housing estates. 昔日屋邨情懷。
A shopping promotion campaign was launched giving out HK$70 cash 房協亦舉辦購物推廣活動,向房協居民及
coupons to our residential tenants and staff. Members of Housing 員工派發七十港元的現金券。「房協之友」
Society Community and residents also participated in the anniversary 及居民亦參與周年誌慶活動,藉著參加屋
celebration by expressing their creativity and delight through an Estate 邨繪畫比賽發揮創意,繪畫出快樂社區生
Drawing Competition. 活的人情味。
Roving exhibitions featuring our work and housing scenes of Hong 於二零一八年五月至八月期間更舉辦巡迴
Kong over the past decades were held across the territory from May to 港、九、新界的「房協建屋惠民七十年」回
August 2018. The Honorary Adviser to the Hong Kong Museum of 顧展,展示我們過去數十年的工作和香港
History, Mr Cheng Po-hung, was invited to give two lectures entitled 的房屋發展。香港歷史博物館名譽顧問鄭
“Anecdotes of Old Hong Kong”, illustrating the histories of housing and 寶鴻先生應邀出席兩場「舊香港掌故」分享
community development of old Hong Kong. 會,暢談昔日香港房屋變遷及社區發展。
As the pioneer in tackling housing challenges posed by ageing 面對香港人口老化的挑戰,房協擔當先導
population in Hong Kong, the Housing Society spares no effort in 者的角式,積極推廣「居家安老」概念。於
promoting the concept of “ageing in place”. In November 2018, an 二零一八年十一月,房協舉辦以「建設樂齡
International Housing Conference on “Building a Smart and Livable City 智慧宜居城市」為題的國際房屋研討會,有
for an Ageing Community” was held. The conference was attended by 近三百名來自香港、中國內地及海外的專
some 300 professionals from Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas 家參與,就長者房屋、智慧宜居城市及可
to exchange experiences and valuable insights on the subjects of 持續建築等議題分享經驗及交換寶貴意見。
elderly housing, liveable city and sustainable development.