Page 84 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 84

82    Business Overview 業務概覽

            As the finale of the year-long celebration of the 70  Anniversary, our   七十周年誌慶活動的壓軸項目「房協展覽中
            first Exhibition Centre of Housing Society was opened in December   心」於二零一八年十二月開幕。展覽中心選
            2018. Located at Prosperous Garden in Yau Ma Tei, the Exhibition   址油麻地駿發花園,透過安排導賞團以及
            Centre creates an enriching experience for visitors to appreciate the   運用創新多媒體設施,讓參觀人士了解房
            development of the Housing Society and the housing development of   協的發展歷程和香港的房屋發展。展覽中
            Hong Kong, through guided tours and the use of innovative and   心除了讓參觀人士可以就不同的房屋議題
            multimedia facilities. Apart from being a platform for visitors to   交流討論外,亦作為本港房屋發展的通識
            exchange views on various housing issues, it also serves as a medium of   教學平台。截至回顧年底,展覽中心接待
            Liberal Studies education on local housing development. Till the end of   了超過 3,500 名參觀人士。
            the review year, the Exhibition Centre has received over 3,500 visitors.

            Multiple Accolades from the industry                        屢獲業界認可
            “Create Homes • Revive Communities” campaign, the public relations   房協為慶祝七十周年籌辦的「創宜居 • 活社
            project launched in celebration of the 70  anniversary of the Housing   區」公關活動得到公眾及持份者的認同和支
            Society, was very well received and supported by the public and   持,並獲傳媒廣泛報導。公關企劃成功加
            stakeholders with extensive media coverage. The campaign has   強房協與社區的聯繫,營造正面的公司形
            succeeded in strengthening our ties with the community and fostering   象,屢獲業界嘉許,包括「第四屆香港公共
            a positive image. It brought home multiple accolades, including the   關 係 獎 2018」中「非 政 府 機 構╱非 牟 利 組
            Gold Award in the “NGOs/NPOs/Social Enterprises Communications”   織╱社會企業傳訊」組別金獎、「中國數字
            category of The 4th Hong Kong Public Relations Award 2018, Silver   傳媒大獎 2019」的「企業形象與信息類及企
            Award in the “Corporate Image & Corporate Social Responsibility”   業社會責任」組別銀獎,以及於「PR Awards
            category of the Digital Media Awards China 2019, and Bronze Award in   2018」的「最佳公關主導綜合傳播」組別銅獎。
            the “Best-PR-Led Integrated Communications” category of the PR
            Awards 2018.

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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