Page 114 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 114
Internship and trainee Programmes 實習及見習計劃
The Housing Society enhances the career prospects of the 房協透過實習及見習計劃協助年青一代改善
youth through internships and trainee programmes. During the 就業前景。年內,我們舉辦一年一度的「房
year, we hosted the annual Housing Society Summer Internship 協暑期實習計劃」,為六十三名有志從事房屋
Programme, providing hands-on learning experiences for 63 及相關領域的專上學生提供在職培訓,讓學
tertiary students who aspire to pursue careers in housing 生了解房協不同部門以及轄下出租屋邨及設
and related disciplines. The students gained insights into the 施的運作。此外,我們亦安排求職及面試技
operation of different departments and our rental estates and 巧工作坊,為學生未來投身職場做好準備。
facilities. Additionally, we conducted workshops on job-seeking 除了體驗職場生活外,這批年青人亦分組合
and interview skills, helping students prepare for their future 作,就房協不同的業務範疇及服務提出新構
careers. In addition to job tasting, the young talents also brought 思或改善建議,為房協帶來新動力。
vitality to the workplace by working in groups to propose new
ideas or improvement measures for different aspects of our
businesses and services.
Our partnerships with tertiary institutions, secondary schools, 我們亦與大專院校、中學及不同團體合作,
and various associations provided students with practical work 讓學生透過短期在職培訓汲取實際工作經
experiences through short-term on-the-job training. Our Job 驗。我們與社會福利署合辦「影子領袖師友計
Shadowing Programme for the Social Welfare Department and 劃」,以及與本港五間大學(包括香港城市大
collaborations with five local universities, including The City 學、香港浸會大學、香港恒生大學、香港大
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, The Hang 學及香港理工大學)合作參與教育局的「工作
Seng University of Hong Kong, The University of Hong Kong, 體驗運動」,令學生獲得更多學習機會。
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Work Experience
Movement of the Education Bureau, have significantly expanded
the students’ learning opportunities.
The Housing Society has also offered Officer Trainee 房協亦於物業管理部和資訊科技組提供見習
programmes for our Property Management Division and 主任計劃供應屆畢業生申請。表現出色的申
Information Technology Section, targeting fresh graduates. 請者會展開為期一年或兩年的全面培訓,培
These high-calibre candidates embark on a comprehensive 訓範圍涵蓋教育活動、在職指導、實地視察
one- or two-year training journey, featuring a mix of educational 和項目執行等多個範疇。計劃亦輔有專業人
activities, on-the-job coaching, site visits, and project 員指導,為見習生的事業發展及個人成長路
assignments. This is complemented by professional mentorship 向提供指引。
to guide their career progression and personal growth.
112 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 年度年報 113