Page 116 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 116

The Housing Society also initiated the INNOMINDS workshops   房協亦舉辦「INNOMINDS工作坊」,加強跨
            to improve interdisciplinary collaboration and generate creative   領域合作,鼓勵員工提出富創意而可行的構
            yet feasible ideas for real-world challenges. At the inaugural   思,以應對社會的實際挑戰。於二零二四年
            workshop in February 2024, employees from diverse disciplines   二月舉行的首個工作坊集合了來自不同部門
            were brought together to explore ways to optimise social event   的員工,探索如何改善社交活動空間及將跨
            spaces and incorporate the intergenerational living model into   代共融的生活模式融入我們未來的商業物業
            our upcoming commercial portfolio. The initiative has yielded   發展之中。員工在工作坊上提出了切實可行
            practical recommendations and insightful questions that will   的建議及多個值得深思的問題,將有助提升
            ultimately enhance our customer experiences.                客戶體驗。
            Additionally, regular workshops on human resources policies   此外,房協亦定期舉辦人力資源政策及最佳
            and best practices were organised periodically to keep our   實務的常規工作坊,務求令管理人員緊貼最
            managers updated, facilitating effective people management   新資訊,推動以人為本及有效的人事管理。
            with a human-oriented approach.
            sparking Innovation, optimising operations                  激發創新 優化運作

            The Housing Society champions both its people and innovation.   房協非常重視人才及創新。於二零二一年,
            In 2021, we launched the Pilot Innovative Technology Seed   我們推出創新科技種子基金,每個獲批項目
            Fund, offering grants of up to HK$0.5 million per approved   可獲撥款最多五十萬港元,以激發員工的創
            project to inspire employee creativity. This initiative has sparked   意。種子基金啟發了員工提出多個有助提升
            employee-driven innovative ideas that enhance business      業務營運表現及客戶滿意度的創新想法。
            operational excellence and customer satisfaction.

            The latest initiative was to provide comprehensive and proactive   最新一個項目是於年內為「彩頤居」及「樂頤
            care with the implementation of the Smart Monitoring System   居」的護理安老院舍安裝智能監察系統,主動
            in the residential care homes for the elderly at Cheerful Court   為長者提供全面的護理服務。系統利用智能
            and Jolly Place during the year. This non-intrusive system, which   感應器監察長者住戶的活動及作息,在不打
            utilises smart sensors to monitor the movements and behaviour   擾長者的日常生活下確保其健康狀況,同時
            of our senior residents, ensures the well-being of residents   亦能保障私隱。長者住戶及其照顧者亦可透
            while maintaining their privacy. It also empowered both residents   過系統實時監察健康情況,以便及早主動支
            and caregivers to take early action by detecting health issues   援,以及於緊急時可更快作出反應。這個優
            in real-time, leading to proactive support and faster emergency   化系統大大改善長者的護理服務及整體的身
            response time. This advancement has significantly improved   心健康,讓他們可以舒適安全地頤養天年。
            senior care and their overall well-being, ultimately enabling   目前已有四個成功的項目投入日常運作。
            them to age comfortably and safely. At present, four successful
            projects have been incorporated into daily operations.

     114                                                                                                                                                                       Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24   香港房屋協會 2023/24 年度年報  115
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