Page 119 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 119

                                                               DEVELOPING CAPABILITIES FOR THE FUTURE  為未來建立實力

            We promoted interactive learning through a diverse array of   房協透過一系列多元的網上及實體培訓活動
            online and offline training activities, cultivating an open, flexible   積極推廣互動學習,培養開放、靈活和協作
            and collaborative learning ambience. From well-received     的學習環境,包括廣受員工歡迎的「午餐講
            “Lunch & Learn” sessions to bite-sized e-learning modules,   座」、精簡網上學習單元,以及涵蓋資訊科
            as well as a wide range of training programmes covering     技、語文、知識管理、個人效率、客戶服務
            information technology, languages, knowledge management,    等不同題材的培訓課程,確保所有員工能各
            personal effectiveness, customer services and more, we ensured   取所需。為促進共融學習及開放交流,我們
            accessibility for all employees with different needs. In a move   的培訓課程改以混合模式進行,為員工提供
            towards inclusive learning and open communication, our training   靈活性和支援。
            sessions have shifted to a hybrid model, offering flexibility and
            support to employees.
            With an average of 25.1 hours of training per employee annually,   房協每年為每位員工提供平均二十五點一小
            which is nearly 28.1% higher than the average number indicated   時的培訓,較香港人力資源管理學會於二零
            in a survey conducted by the Hong Kong Institute of Human   二二年進行問卷調查所得的平均數值高出近
            Resource Management in 2022, our commitment to lifelong     百分之二十八點一,體現我們貫徹終身學習
            learning has underscored personal growth and driven the overall   精神,促進員工個人成長,帶動房協整體邁
            success of our organisation.                                向成功。

            Working with Passion and Pride                              熱忱工作 引以自豪

            Prioritising employee well-being is central to our people-  房協秉持「以人為本」的管理方針,十分重視
            oriented management approach at the Housing Society. During   員工的身心健康。年內,我們引入輕鬆假,
            the year, we introduced a well-being leave to support work-  支持員工平衡工作與生活,亦是房協落實家
            life balance and family-friendly employment practices, offering   庭友善僱傭措施之一。年內,我們為合資格
            eligible employees a total of over 3,700 well-being leave days.  員工提供合共超過三千七百日的輕鬆假。
            To enhance employee well-being, our “Fun@Work | Pride@HKHS”   為促進員工身心健康,我們於二零
            platform established in 2022/23 continued to offer diverse   二 二╱ 二三 年度 成立 的「 Fun@Work |
            activities like “Tsz Shan Monastery Guided Tour”, “10,000 Steps   Pride@HKHS」平台繼續提供多元化的活動,
            Walkathon Health Campaign”, “Lymphatic Drainage Massage     例如「慈山寺導賞團」、「健步行10,000步」、
            Workshop”, “Latte Art Workshop” and more. This helped build  「淋巴排毒按摩工作坊」、「咖啡拉花工作坊」
            connections across divisions and keep our employees engaged   等,助不同部門員工建立連繫及持續積極參
            within the organisation.                                    與房協事務。

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