Page 120 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
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Furthermore, we launched the “HS Got Talent Programme” to   另外,我們推出「房協達人計劃」,讓員工
            celebrate the diverse talents of our employees beyond work with   展現在工作以外的各種才藝,活動由擁有一
            activities led by talented and passionate staff in areas such as   技之長又滿懷熱誠的員工帶領,主題包括攝
            photography, cooking, football, basketball, and hiking, promoting   影、烹飪、足球、籃球及遠足等,藉著不同
            camaraderie and cultivating a sense of cohesiveness within the   活動增進房協員工之間的同儕情誼,培養團
            organisation.                                               隊精神。

            Additionally, a service hotline under the “Employee Assistance   此外,「僱員援助計劃」的電話熱線服務於年
            Programme” continued to provide professional counselling    內繼續為有需要的員工及其家屬提供專業輔
            and advisory services for staff and their families when needed   導及諮詢服務。
            throughout the year.

            As for our efforts in building a safe and healthy workplace,   在構建健康安全的工作環境方面,我們於二
            we established a Safety Committee in 2022/23. With members   零二二╱二三年度設立安全委員會,成員來
            from different divisions, the committee endeavours to identify   自不同部門,致力辨識及應對業務營運各方
            and address safety concerns from every aspect of our business   面的安全隱患。委員會透過定期溝通及舉辦
            operation.  Through  regular  communication  and  training   培訓工作坊,向員工灌輸有關職業安全及身
            workshops, we empowered our employees with knowledge and    心健康的知識和意見,為所有員工締造安全
            insight on occupational safety, health, and well-being, fostering   的工作環境,並提供充分支援。
            an environment where everyone feels safe and supported.

            Valuing Long-term Commitment and Employee                   表揚長期服務 重視員工發展

            We value our employees’ long-term commitment as their loyalty   員工的忠誠服務和貢獻是房協賴以成功的基
            and dedication are the bedrock of our success. During the year,   石。年內,我們很高興向七十九名員工頒發
            we celebrated our employees’ contributions and proudly awarded  「長期服務獎」,表揚他們所作的貢獻,並感
            79 individuals with “Long Service Awards” for their dedication   謝他們多年來的竭誠服務。截至二零二四年
            over the years. As of 31 March 2024, we boasted a remarkable   三月三十一日,共有三百九十三名員工在房
            team with 393 employees serving the organisation for over ten   協工作超過十年,其中四十九名員工的服務
            years, with 49 of them reaching the 30-year milestone and 14   年期長達三十年,另有十四名員工更已服務
            dedicating an incredible 35 years to our cause.             房協超過三十五載。

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