Page 62 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
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Training was provided to some 60 tenants to equip them as 計劃亦培訓了約六十名租戶成為「心澄大
Mindful Art Ambassadors. In this role, they led art workshops 使」,協助舉辦結合靜觀練習的藝術工作坊,
that incorporate mindfulness practices and conducted regular 並定期探訪和幫助需要情緒支援的鄰里。這
visits to support neighbours with emotional needs. These 些跨界別合作活動能有助善用社區資源支援
cross-sector collaborative efforts have contributed to the 租戶,透過建立合作夥伴關係為我們服務的
effective use of community resources in supporting our tenants, 社區帶來正面影響。有受情緒困擾的祖堯邨
demonstrating the positive impact of such partnerships on 長者居民在參加靜觀工作坊及社區活動後,
the people we serve. Notably, an elderly CYC resident who 重新融入社區鄰里的生活圈子,及後更成為
battled depression, after joining the mindfulness workshops 「心澄大使」,向其他面對相同問題的鄰里伸
and community activities, successfully re-engaged with her 出援手。
neighbours and subsequently became a Mindful Art Ambassador
to support her neighbours who were facing similar challenges.
Providing Rapid Relief in troubled times 及時支援 共度時艱
In times of adversity, the CES Team’s provision of professional 在艱難時刻,「房協友里」團隊的專業支援及
support and community-based assistance becomes 社區援助變得不可或缺。其中一個個案,一
indispensable. In a particular case, when a caregiver of an 名殘疾長者的照顧者入院留醫,我們的社工
elderly with disabilities was hospitalised, our social worker 隨即為該名長者協調好食物和經濟援助,以
swiftly coordinated food and financial aid, Integrated Home Care 及綜合家居照顧服務,並安排一名義工提供
Services for the elderly, and regular support from a volunteer. 日常支援。另一戶出租屋邨家庭因受火災影
In another instance, following a fire incident that affected a 響而陷入困境,「房協友里」團隊與房協內部
rental household, the CES Team, in collaboration with internal 營運團隊,以及其他相關社會服務機構合力
operation teams within the Housing Society and other relevant 為該家庭安排臨時住宿、提供日用品及輔導
social service providers, arranged temporary accommodation, 服務。
daily necessities and counselling services for the impacted
family under the plight.
scholarship for Young tenants 為年青租戶提供獎學金
The CES Scholarship, formerly known as the Housing Society 「房協友里獎學金」(前稱「房協之友獎學金」)
Community Scholarship, supports the academic pursuits of 旨在鼓勵年輕租戶勤奮向學。年內,房協向
young tenants. During the year, scholarships of HK$5,000 十三名來自房協轄下八個出租屋邨的學生每
each were awarded to 13 students from eight rental estates in 人頒發五千港元獎學金,表揚他們在香港中
recognition of their exceptional performance in the Hong Kong 學文憑考試取得優異成績,當中六名學生更
Diploma of Secondary Education Examination. An “Award of 取得三十分或以上的佳績,獲頒發額外五千
Excellence” and an additional HK$5,000 were also granted to 港元的「卓越表現」獎學金。「房協友里獎
six students who scored 30 points or above. To date, the CES 學金」自二零一四年成立至今,已惠及合共
Scholarship has benefitted a total of 132 students since its 一百三十二名學生。
inception in 2014.
60 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 年度年報 61