Page 63 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 63

                                                                SERVINg OUR RESIdENtS WIth ExcEllENcE  盡心服務居民

            CoMMERCIAL AssEt MANAGEMENt                                 商業資產管理

            The Housing Society managed a robust 129,500 square-metre   房協管理多達十二萬九千五百平方米的商用
            commercial portfolio of leasing area, including shops, offices,   租賃空間,當中包括商舖、寫字樓、社區物
            community premises, as well as more than 9,640 car parking   業,以及超過九千六百四十個停車位。

            During the year, 75 per cent of our commercial premises were   年內,我們轄下百分之七十五的商用物業均
            leased to neighbourhood shop tenants, including supermarkets,   由街坊商舖租用,包括超級市場、藥房及酒
            pharmacies, restaurants and more, enhancing the vibrancy    樓食肆等,提升房協轄下社區的活力和經濟
            and economic health of the communities we built and serve.   健康。其餘空間則出租予福利機構,以促進
            The remaining spaces were leased to welfare organisations,   社區福祉。房協亦策略性地與不同的大眾品
            fostering community well-being. The Housing Society also    牌合作,擴闊不同類型商戶組合,滿足居民
            strategically partnered with a range of popular brands to   的多元化需要。
            broaden the tenant mix and cater to a wider range of resident

            Prioritising people at the heart of management, we supported   以人為本是房協管理工作的核心,我們為商
            tenants with flexible leasing terms and rent reliefs to tide over   戶提供靈活的租務條款及租金寬減,協助
            the post-pandemic economic downturn. The business of our    他們度過後疫情的經濟難關。房協轄下的
            commercial tenants, largely consisting of stores catering to daily   商業租戶主要包括為市民提供日常生活必需
            living needs, has been minimally impacted during the pandemic.   品的商舖,疫情期間,這些商舖的業務僅受
            With our effective strategy in commercial asset management,   輕微影響。全賴有效的商業資產管理策略
            together with the offering of rent concessions, we achieved a   及租金寬減措施,我們商用物業的出租率
            high occupancy rate of 97.5 per cent, where residents, especially   高達百分之九十七點五,令居民仍能在區
            vulnerable residents, can enjoy a self-sufficient community   內自給自足,尤其便利弱勢社群,而傳統
            while traditional stores are able to keep their business as   小店亦得以維持正常業務。在市道艱難的時
            usual. During challenging times, our commitment and prudence   期,房協秉持勇於承擔及資源為用的理念,
            transcended mere profit, with a total of HK$723.5 million offered   不只著眼於盈利,為大約五百個合資格商戶
            in nine rounds of rent concessions to around 500 eligible tenants,   合共提供九次租金寬減,減租額合共高達
            mostly small neighbourhood outlets.                         七億二千三百五十萬港元,受惠對象以小型

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