Page 22 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 22

20    CEO’s Review of Operations 行政總裁業務回顧

            To meet the Government’s target of boosting the supply of subsidised   為達成增加資助房屋供應的目標,政府從
            housing, the Housing Society has been invited to take up a site at Kai   啟德發展區撥出一幅土地及從安達臣道石
            Tak Area and three others at Anderson Road Quarry for SSF   礦場撥出另外三幅土地,邀請房協發展資
            developments, which will provide about 4,600 new SSF units. The   助出售房屋,提供約4,600 個單位。首個發
            construction of the first site at Anderson Road Quarry is expected to   展項目將於安達臣道石礦場展開,預期於
            commence in 2020. Meanwhile, our SSF project at Jockey Club Road in   二零二零年動工興建。與此同時,房協位
            Fanling, which will offer 648 flats, is under planning. Along with policy   於粉嶺馬會道的資助出售房屋項目仍在規
            support from the Government, we will continue seeking potential sites   劃中,落成後將提供 648個單位。在政府政
            and resources to develop SSF projects in meeting the aspiration of   策的支持下,我們將繼續尋覓合適的土地
            home ownership among Hong Kong people.                      及資源發展資助出售房屋項目,以配合港

            Estate Redevelopment Projects                               屋邨重建項目
            As a significant portion of our rental estates are over 40 years of age, we   由於房協轄下有不少出租屋邨的樓齡超過
            have placed the redevelopment of these aged estates as one of our   四十年,近年我們將重建高樓齡出租屋邨
            major priorities in recent years. To ensure adequate rehousing   列為其中一項重要工作。房協在重建屋邨
            arrangements on the one hand and to minimise the impact of   過程中,既要妥善安置租戶,也要減低安
            rehousing on our existing tenants on the other, one major challenge is   置安排對現有租戶的影響,覓地興建安置
            to identify suitable sites for building decanting estates. Further to the   屋邨是其中一大挑戰。繼近年分別撥出石
            Government’s allocation in previous years of a site at Shek Pai Wan   排灣道及定安街用地以興建漁光村及觀塘
            Road and another at Ting On Street as respective decanting sites of Yue   花園大廈重建項目的安置單位,於回顧年
            Kwong Chuen and Kwun Tong Garden Estate, the Government has   度,政府又將啟德發展區內一幅土地供房
            allocated to the Housing Society during the review year a site at Kai Tak   協重建真善美村。屆時,騰空的真善美村
            Area to facilitate the redevelopment of Chun Seen Mei Chuen. The   則可作為樂民新村重建計劃之用。
            vacated site of Chun Seen Mei Chuen can then be used to facilitate the
            redevelopment of Lok Man Sun Chuen.

            Currently, we have four redevelopment projects in the pipeline. For   目前,房協正在進行四個重建項目。明華
            Ming Wah Dai Ha, Phase I project is undergoing substantial progress   大廈第一期工程的進度理想,預計於二零
            with completion expected in 2020. We are closely monitoring the   二零年竣工。我們正密切注視施工進度,

              Age Profile of Rental Estates

              No. of Estates        as at 31 March 2019
              屋邨數目                  截至二零一九年三月三十一日止
                                      21-30 (7)
                      20              31-40 (3)
                    Total ᐼᅰ
                                      41-50 (4)

                                      >50 (6)

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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