Page 195 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 195


               25.  Retirement benefits schemes                            25.  退休金福利計劃

                    The Housing Society operates two defined contribution retirement   房屋協會為其合資格僱員提供兩個界
                    benefits schemes, namely, Defined Contribution Retirement Benefit   定供款退休金計劃,分別為「定額供
                    Scheme and Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme, for all qualifying   款退休保障計劃」及「強制性公積金
                    employees. The assets of the schemes are held separately from those   計劃」。該等計劃的資產與房屋協會
                    of the Housing Society in the funds under the control of trustees.  的資產乃分開持有,並存於由獨立信

                    The retirement benefits cost charged to the comprehensive income   房屋協會按退休褔利計劃所指定的比
                    represents contribution payable to the funds by the Housing Society   率計算應付退休供款,並全數列入全
                    at rates specified in the rules of the schemes. Regarding the Defined   面收益內。就「定額供款退休保障計
                    Contribution Retirement Benefit Scheme, where there are employees   劃」,倘僱員於全數達到享用退休褔
                    who leave the scheme prior to vesting fully in the contribution, the   利前退出該計劃,被沒收僱主供款可
                    forfeited employer’s contributions are used either to reduce future   用於減除房屋協會應付的未來供款、
                    contribution or to pay the trustee’s administration charges or to   或支付信託人行政費用、或根據此計
                    distribute to members who are entitled to such distributions under   劃條款分配給參與此計劃的僱員。
                    the rules of the scheme.

                     (in HK$Million)                   (港幣百萬元)                              2019        2018

                     Contribution to the schemes (net of forfeiture)  計劃供款(已扣減沒收供款)          33.9        33.7

                     Utilisation of forfeited employer’s contribution   被沒收的僱主供款用於支付信託人
                       for payment of trustee’s administration     行政費用
                       charges contribution for                                               0.3         0.3

                     Balance of forfeited employer’s contribution   於三月三十一日未運用的
                       not utilised at 31 March           被沒收僱主供款結餘                            –           –

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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