Page 64 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 64

62    Business Overview 業務概覽

            Fanling jockey Club Road                                    粉嶺馬會道
            In 2018/19, an application for the rezoning of the site at Fanling Jockey   於二零一八╱一九年度,房協在諮詢區議
            Club Road was submitted to the Town Planning Board subsequent to   會後,向城市規劃委員會申請改劃粉嶺馬
            consultation with the District Council. Following the approval granted   會道用地,並於二零一九年三月獲批,其
            in March 2019, a land grant application was filed. The construction is   後提交批地申請。有關工程預計將於二零
            expected to commence in 2021 and completion is planned for 2024,   二一年展開,並於二零二四年完成,提供
            yielding around 650 SSF units.                              約650個資助出售房屋單位。

            greenhill villa                                            「綠怡雅苑」
            The Greenhill Villa in Sha Tin, the second SSF project after Greenview   沙田「綠怡雅苑」是繼青衣「綠悠雅苑」後,
            Villa in Tsing Yi, is close to completion. The project will provide 1,020   第二個房協資助出售房屋項目,現已接近
            units and homebuyers are expected to move in by the first quarter of   落成階段。項目將提供1,020 個單位,預計
            2020.                                                       買家可於二零二零年第一季入伙。

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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