Page 66 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 66

64    Business Overview 業務概覽

            Redeveloping Our Rental Estates                             重建出租屋邨
            Currently, our rental estate portfolio includes 20 estates with a total of   房 協 現 時 轄 下 有 二 十 個 出 租 屋 邨, 合 共
            32,640 flats. Of these, ten estates comprising 19,100 flats — or about   32,640個單位。當中十個屋邨樓齡超過四十
            60% of our residential rental building stock — are more than 40 years   年,涉及單位共19,100個,即所有出租屋邨
            old. To maintain and improve the quality of living for our tenants,   約六成單位。為維持並改善租戶的居住質
            redevelopment of estates has been one of our core focus areas in   素,重建屋邨成為房協近年的重點工作項
            recent years. Identifying suitable sites for building decanting estates,   目。而尋找合適地點興建遷置屋邨是重建
            however, poses a challenge for our redevelopment plan.      計劃中的一項重大挑戰。

            During the year under review, the Housing Society has been allocated a   於回顧年度,房協獲分配一幅啟德用地用
            site in Kai Tak to kickstart the redevelopment of Chun Seen Mei Chuen.   作重建真善美村。房協繼而可以利用騰空
            The Housing Society can then make use of the vacated site of Chun   後的真善美村地皮作重建樂民新村。
            Seen Mei Chuen to set off the redevelopment of Lok Man Sun Chuen.

            Ming Wah Dai Ha                                             明華大廈
            Located in Shau Kei Wan, Ming Wah Dai Ha is a rental estate built over   筲箕灣明華大廈是樓齡超過五十年的出租
            50 years ago. It is currently undergoing redevelopment in three phases.   屋邨,現正分三個階段進行重建。第一期
            For Phase I, foundation works for two new towers had been completed   重建計劃兩幢新大樓的地基工程經已完成,
            and superstructure works were in progress. A total of 966 flats will be   上蓋工程正在進行中。兩幢大樓合共提供
            provided for rehousing purposes, which will help facilitate the second   966個單位用作原邨安置受影響居民,以便
            phase of redevelopment. We will continue to keep track of the progress   進行第二期重建計劃。我們將繼續密切監
            towards its completion in 2020.                             察第一期工程的進度,並預計於二零二零

            The Town Planning Board gave approval to the revised Master Layout   城市規劃委員會已於二零一九年一月批准
            Plan for Phases II and III in January 2019. The scale in Phase II will be   第二期及第三期的修訂總綱發展藍圖。第
            expanded to expedite the decanting process for Phase III. The lease   二期的規模將會擴大,以加快第三期的遷
            modification application is currently underway.             置進度。房協現正進行相關地契修訂申請。

            To meet the aspirations of home ownership and the needs of ageing   為滿足巿民的置業期望和因應本港人口老
            population, the entire project will offer a mix of 2,561 rental flats, 750   化的趨勢,整個項目將提供2,561 個出租屋
            SSF units and 608 SEN units, totalling 3,919 flats, which is 700 units   邨 單 位、750個 資 助 出 售 房 屋 單 位,以 及
            more than the existing provision. The entire development is expected   608個「長者安居樂」住屋計劃單位,合共
            to complete by 2032.                                        3,919個單位,較現有供應多出700個單位。

           60%                          HS rental estate units are

                                        more than 40 years old


            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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