Page 67 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 67

BuIlDING QualITY HOMES 創建優質居所        65

                                                                Kwun Tong Garden Estate
                                                                Ming Wah Dai Ha
                                                                Yu Kwong Chuen

               Yue Kwong Chuen                                             漁光村
               Yue Kwong Chuen, located in Aberdeen and built in the 1960s, will be   香港仔漁光村建於六十年代,將會分兩期
               redeveloped in two phases. A rezoning application for the   重建。房協在鄰近漁光村的石排灣道覓得
               development of a rehousing estate at Shek Pai Wan Road, in the vicinity   一幅用地作發展安置屋邨,已向城市規劃
               of Yue Kwong Chuen, has been filed and approved by the Town   委員會提交改劃土地用途申請,並於二零
               Planning Board in August 2018. The land grant process related to the   一八年八月獲批准。有關項目的批地程序
               project is now underway. Construction is expected to commence in   仍在進行中。有關工程預期將於二零一九
               mid-2019 and complete in 2024, offering 600 flats for decanting of Yue   年年中展開,並於二零二四年完成,為在
               Kwong Chuen residents for Phase I redevelopment.            第一期重建中需要調遷的漁光村居民提供

               Yue Kwong Chuen has 1,144 rental flats at present. The two-phase   漁光村現時有1,144 個出租屋邨單位,分兩
               redevelopment for Yue Kwong Chuen is expected to complete by 2030   期重建,預計分別於二零三零年及二零三五
               and 2035 respectively, providing a total of around 2,000 rental units and   年完成,共提供約 2,000 個出租屋邨及資助
               SSF units.                                                  出售房屋單位。

               Kwun tong garden Estate                                     觀塘花園大廈
               Established in the 1960s, Kwun Tong Garden Estate II is also under our   觀塘花園大廈第二期建於六十年代,現正
               redevelopment plan. A decanting site at Ting On Street, opposite to the   進行重建規劃。房協已覓得一幅毗鄰觀塘
               existing estate, was identified for the purpose of rehousing. The   花園大廈、位於定安街的土地以興建安置
               planning application has been approved and the land grant procedure   屋邨。規劃申請已獲批准,批地程序仍在
               is in the pipeline. The construction is expected to commence in 2020   進行。有關工程預期將於二零二零年展開,
               and complete in 2024, offering 380 rental units.            並於二零二四年完成,提供 380個出租屋邨

               At the same time, a feasibility study for the redevelopment of the   與此同時,有關觀塘花園大廈第二期原址
               original site of Kwun Tong Garden Estate II will be conducted in 2019,   重建的可行性研究將於二零一九年進行,
               targeting around 5,000 new flats for rental units, SSF units and SEN units   期望重建後可提供約 5,000 個出租屋邨、資
               after the redevelopment, which is a double compared to the old estate   助出售房屋,以及「長者安居樂」住屋計劃
               of 2,352 rental flats.                                      單位,總數為原有 2,352 個出租屋邨單位的

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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