Page 68 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 68

66    Business Overview 業務概覽

               Chun Seen Mei Chuen

            Chun Seen Mei Chuen                                         真善美村
            The redevelopment of Chun Seen Mei Chuen is facilitated with a site at   由於獲得政府提供一幅啟德用地,令真善
            Kai Tak Area offered by the Government. The land grant application for   美村的重建得以啟動,而相關的批地申請
            the Kai Tak site has been submitted to the Lands Department, and the   已向地政總署提交,有關工程計劃於二零
            construction is scheduled to begin in 2020 and expected to complete   二零年展開,並預計於二零二五年完成,
            in 2025, yielding 2,050 units.                              提供2,050 個單位。

            Upon completion of the site in Kai Tak, Chun Seen Mei Chuen will be   當位於啟德的安置屋邨完成後,真善美村
            redeveloped to facilitate the first phase of redevelopment of Lok Man   將展開重建工程,以配合樂民新村第一期
            Sun Chuen.                                                  的重建計劃。

            Dedicated Rehousing Estate                                  專用安置屋邨
            In May 2018, measures have been announced by the Government to   於二零一八年五月,政府公布多項措施,
            enhance the compensation and rehousing arrangements for eligible   加強為受政府發展項目清拆行動影響的合
            households affected by government’s development clearance exercises,   資格住戶所提供的特惠補償及安置安排。
            one of which is to offer a non-means-tested rehousing option for   除房屋委員會所提供的須入息審查安置單
            eligible clearees in the form of rental and subsidised sale flats in DRE   位外,合資格人士亦可選擇豁免入息審查,
            developed and managed by the Housing Society, in addition to the   由房協發展及管理的專用安置屋邨的出租
            means-tested rehousing option offered by the Housing Authority.  或資助出售房屋單位。

            We have been working in close partnership with the Government,   房協一直與政府保持緊密合作,為受政府
            supporting the development of dedicated rehousing estates for   新發展區清拆行動所影響的居民興建專用
            residents affected by Government’s development clearance exercises,   安置屋邨。房協現時正進行四個專用安置
            such as clearees of the New Development Areas project. Currently, we   屋邨項目。
            are working on four DRE projects.

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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