Page 69 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 69

BuIlDING QualITY HOMES 創建優質居所        67

                            A Dedicated Rehousing
                           Estate will be built on
                           Pak Wo Road in Fanling.

               Pak Wo Road                                                 百和路
               The Pak Wo Road project in Fanling will provide around 510 public   粉嶺百和路項目完成後將提供約 510個出租
               rental flats, 700 SSF, and 260 SEN flats when completed. Ancillary   屋邨單位、700個資助出售房屋單位及260
               facilities will include two Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHE),   個「長者安居樂」住屋計劃單位。配套設施
               as well as a shopping centre and public parking space. Works are now   將包括兩所護理安老院舍、購物商場及公
               in progress. The entire project is expected to be ready for population   眾停車泊位。工程現正推展,預計整個項
               intake in 2024.                                             目將於二零二四年入伙。

               Hung Shui Kiu                                               洪水橋
               A preliminary master plan and implementation programme for the   房協應政府邀請參與洪水橋專用安置屋邨
               Hung Shui Kiu DRE project were formulated at the invitation of the   項目,現已制訂了初步整體規劃及執行計
               Government for the Housing Society to participate in the housing   劃,並於二零一九年一月提交批地申請。
               development at Hung Shui Kiu. The land grant application was
               submitted in January 2019.

               A three-phase construction plan was planned for this project, with   該發展項目將會分三期進行,預計於二零
               Phase I expected to be completed in 2024, providing around 2,100   二四年完成第一期。項目提供約 2,100個出
               rental and subsidised sale flats. Retail, governmental and community   租屋邨及資助出售房屋單位,並設有零售、
               facilities will also be provided.                           政府及社區設施。

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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