Page 70 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 70

68    Business Overview 業務概覽

                                                                                      The site in Area 1E Site 1 in Kai Tak
                                                                                     will be reserved for redevelopment
                                                                                     of Chun Seen Mei Chuen and DRE.
                                                                                      啟德第 1E 區 1 號地盤將用作重建

            Kwu tung North                                              古洞北
            The DRE project in Area 24 in Kwu Tung North was planned at the   房協獲政府邀請參與位於古洞北24區的專
            invitation of the Government for rehousing affected households in the   用安置屋邨項目,以安置受政府古洞北發
            Kwu Tung North development clearance exercise. The project will   展項目清拆行動影響的合資格居民。項目
            provide around 2,500 rental and subsidised sale flats. Discussions with   將提供約2,500 個出租屋邨及資助出售房屋
            the Government on the implementation plans are underway.    單位。房協現正與政府商討執行計劃。

            Kai tak                                                     啟德
            The site in Area 1E Site 1 in Kai Tak with provision of 2,050 units was   應政府邀請,房協計劃於啟德第1E區1號地
            planned at the invitation of the Government. About half of the units   盤的用地提供2,050 個單位。當中一半單位
            would be reserved for the redevelopment of Chun Seen Mei Chuen and   將預留作重建真善美村之用,而其餘單位
            the remaining units will serve as a DRE for rehousing eligible clearees   則會用作安置受政府發展項目及市區重建
            affected by government development projects or redevelopment   局項目影響的合資格人士。啟德用地的批
            projects. The land grant application for the Kai Tak site has been   地申請已向地政總署提交,有關工程計劃
            submitted to the Lands Department, and the construction is scheduled   於二零二零年展開,並預計於二零二五年
            to begin in 2020 and is expected to completed in 2025.      完成。

            transitional Housing Scheme                                 過渡性房屋計劃
            With a view to better utilising housing resources and improving the   為更有效運用房屋資源,並改善公屋輪候
            living environment of people waiting for public rental housing, we have   冊上人士的居住環境,房協已於漁光村推
            launched the “T-Home” Scheme at Yue Kwong Chuen and “Letting   出「暫租住屋」計劃,以及「未補價資助出
            Scheme for Subsidised Sale Developments with Premium Unpaid” to   售房屋  —  出租計劃」,並計劃日後為有需要
            pave the way for more transitional housing for those in need.  人士提供更多過渡性房屋。

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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