Page 13 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 13
Prefabricated Components 預製組件
As Hong Kong’s “housing laboratory”, we have begun trialling and 作為香港的「房屋實驗室」,我們開始
adopting Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) in the construction 試驗及採用「組裝合成」建築法。於報
process. In the reporting year, we have held numerous sharing 告年度,我們與承建商和香港房屋委
sessions on MiC with our contractors and the Hong Kong Housing 員會舉辦多場有關「組裝合成」建築法
Authority, so as to develop a framework for the use of MiC in our 的分享會,為日後發展項目使用「組裝
future developments. 合成」建築法制定框架。
Our projects have been adopting the total precast approach, 我們的項目已採納全預製組件方式,
particularly in our superstructure works that include external and 尤其用於包括外部及內部建築組件(例
internal building elements such as the façade, staircases and utility 如外牆、樓梯和工作平台)的上蓋工
platforms. Prefabricated components have the advantage of 程。預製組件的優點是可減少空氣污
minimising air pollution and noise emission, reducing overall 染及噪音,對環境的整體影響較少。
environmental impact.
In order to test the viability of adopting MiC in wider construction 為了測試「組裝合成」建築法是否可廣
processes, we have performed a feasibility study on the partial 泛適用於各類型建築項目,我們已對
application of MiC to identify a trial pilot project. A partial 「組裝合成」建築法的部分應用進行可
application of MiC was piloted in the units at Shek Pai Wan Road 行性研究,以確定試驗項目。我們在
and Ting On Street, featuring MiC assembled kitchens and 石排灣道及定安街項目的單位測試部
bathrooms. 分應用「組裝合成」建築法,包括組裝
We have also appointed a lead consultant in the first half of 2019 我們亦已於二零一九年上半年聘任總
to evaluate the use of steel MiC for additional elderly housing units 設計顧問,就在乙明邨長者房屋項目
at Jat Min Chuen and to conduct the design. 採用鋼製「組裝合成」建築法作出評估
Prefabricated components
香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度可持續發展報告