Page 14 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 14
Recognition of Environmental Performance 環保表現獲認同
All of our housing development projects participate in the Hong 我們所有發展項目均參與香港綠色建
Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)’s Building Environment 築議會的「建築環境評估法」或「綠建
Assessment Method (BEAM or BEAM Plus) for building assessment 環評」綠色建築評估及認證。於回顧年
and certification. In the year under review, our construction 內,已落成或施工中的發展項目分別
developments that have either been completed or are under- 取得以下認證:
construction have achieved the following certifications:
Terrace Concerto
Mount Verdant (TM2): BEAM Plus
(TKO73A): BEAM Plus — Gold (Provisional)
— Gold (Provisional) 「 翠 鳴 臺 」( 屯 門2
「翠嶺峰」(將軍澳73A區): 區):「綠建環評」 —
「綠建環評」 — 暫定金級 暫定金級
Ming Wah Dai Ha
(Phase I): BEAM
Greenhill Villa (Shatin Plus — Bronze
36C): BEAM Plus — (Provisional)
Silver (Provisional) 「明華大廈」 重建項
「綠怡雅苑」(沙田36C區): 目(第一期):「綠建
「綠建環評」 — 暫定銀級 環評」 — 暫定銅級
Implementation of Environmental Management System 實施環境管理體系
Recent efforts have been made to encourage our main contractors 我們亦鼓勵總承建商實施ISO 14001
to implement the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. 環境管理體系。為此,在地基及上蓋
We are now more selective with our contractors through increasing 工程招標時,增加已獲ISO 14001認
the number of ISO 14001 certified main contractors in shortlisting 證的投標總承建商數目的要求,為保
of the tenderers for the Housing Society’s foundation and 護環境盡一分力。
superstructure contracts.
Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2018/19