Page 16 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 16


            Energy-Saving Initiative                                        節能措施

            More than 60% of greenhouse gas emissions in Hong Kong are      香港的溫室氣體排放超過百分之六十
            caused by electricity generation. In order to be aligned with the   來自發電。為配合政府於二零一七年
            Hong Kong Climate Action Plan 2030+, launched by the            一 月 推 出 的 《 香 港 氣 候 行 動 藍 圖
            Government in January 2017, our housing estates and shopping    2030+》,房協轄下屋邨及商場每年均
            malls participate in a number of energy-saving campaigns every   參與多個節能活動,例如世界地球日。
            year, such as Earth Day.

            Promoting Green Living                                          推廣綠色生活

            The Housing Society promotes environmental protection           房協向居民以至普羅大眾宣揚減廢和
            information such as reducing waste and preserving natural resources   珍惜天然資源等環保信息。除提供有
            to our residents and the general public. Along with equipping them   關資訊外,我們亦建立切實可行的回
            with information, we have built accessible recycling platforms to   收平台,鼓勵實踐綠色生活。
            encourage greener living.

            To further promote sustainability, we regularly organise green   為了進一步推廣可持續發展,我們定
            activities for our residents, such as “Tree Planting Day”, an annual   期 為 居 民 舉 辦 環 保 活 動, 例 如 自
            event for us since 1997. In March 2019, 50 Housing Society Green   一 九 九 七 年 起, 每 年 均 參 與 「 植 樹
            Ambassadors planted 6,000 tree seedlings in Tsiu Hang Village, Sai   日」,於二零一九年三月,五十名房協
            Kung.                                                           環保大使在西貢蕉坑種植6,000棵樹苗。

               Housing Society participates in the “Charter on External Lighting”

                                                                             Housing Society Community’s Tree Planting Day

            Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2018/19
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