Page 15 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 15

OUR RENTAL ESTATES ANd MANAgEd PROPERTIES 我們的出租屋邨及代管物業           13

            Our Rental Estates and Managed Properties                       我們的出租屋邨及代管物業
            Encouraging Greener Living                                      宣揚綠色生活

            The Housing Society is committed to providing quality housing   房協致力提供優質居所,同時致力保
            solutions while ensuring the environment is well protected. By   護環境。為提升大眾的環保意識,我
            raising awareness through sharing sessions and organising activities   們透過舉辦分享會和「減少節日浪費
            such as “Holiday Waste Reduction” and “Clean Recycling”, we aim   (Holiday Waste Reduction)」及「 乾 淨
            to instill the concept of green living in all our stakeholders. We   回收(Clean Recycling)」等活動,向持
            adhere to the following principles and measures in our approach to   份者宣揚綠色生活的概念。我們堅守
            encouraging greener living:                                     以下原則及措施,鼓勵更多人加入綠

            •  Preserving natural resources and minimising waste to prevent   •  珍惜天然資源和減少廢物以防止污
               pollution and protect the environment                           染和保護環境
            •  Complying with all applicable environmental laws             •  遵守所有適用的環保法例
            •  Setting environmental management targets to continuously     •  訂立環境管理目標以持續提升環保
               enhance environmental performance and improve the               表現及改善環境管理體系
               environmental management system                              •  鼓勵供應商、建造商、居民和租戶
            •  Encouraging suppliers, builders, residents and tenants to adopt   採納環境管理措施
               environmental management measures                            •  透過對內和對外的多元溝通渠道提
            •  Promoting environmental awareness within our staff, contractors   升員工、承建商和持份者的環保意識
               and stakeholders through internal and external communication

            Recycling                                                       回收

            During the year under review, we collected the following items from   在回顧年度,我們在三十九個屋邨╱屋
            39 estates for recycling:                                       苑回收以下物品:

              2,363                   93               196                 235                  54

              tonnes of waste paper  tonnes of plastic  tonnes of metal  tonnes of old clothes  tonnes of glass bottles
                   噸廢紙                 噸塑膠                噸金屬                噸舊衣                噸玻璃瓶

                                                                                  香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度可持續發展報告
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