Page 18 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 18
Our Offices 我們的辦公室
The upkeep of a safe and healthy working environment is 房協非常重視維持一個安全健康的工
paramount for the Housing Society. Our approach to environmental 作環境。房協的企業環保政策為環境
management is governed by the Housing Society’s Environmental 管理提供指引,當中列明日常營運和
Policy, which stipulates the measures to be integrated in our daily 一般辦公室運作所採取的措施。我們
operation and general office practices. We also take advantage of 亦透過不同渠道提升員工的環保意識
opportunities where possible to promote environmental awareness 及推廣綠色辦公室,建立重視可持續
and green office practices among our staff so that an underlying 發展的企業文化。
corporate culture that emphasises sustainability can be built.
Recycling 回收
Through donating and recycling of redundant office equipment, this 透過捐贈及回收冗餘的辦公室設備,
reporting year we achieved the following: 我們在本報告年度已收集:
A total of
kg kg 392 842
9,910 公斤 11,213 公斤
of waste paper of newspapers and magazines empty toner cartridges exhausted energy saving lamps
廢紙 報紙及雜誌 個空碳粉匣 用完的節能燈泡
were collected for recycling.
We donate our recycled or obsolete office equipment to various 為減少廢物,我們向多間慈善團體捐
charities and suppliers as a way of reducing waste. In the reporting 贈和向供應商提供可回收或過時的辦
period, we donated: 公室設備。於本報告期間,我們將:
47 819
obsolete office equipment items of IT equipment to charitable organisations or
過時辦公室設備 件資訊科技設備 traded to vendors.
Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2018/19