Page 17 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 17

OUR RENTAL ESTATES ANd MANAgEd PROPERTIES 我們的出租屋邨及代管物業           15

            Saving Energy                                                   節約能源

            Improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions   改善能源效益和減少溫室氣體排放是
            are priority considerations we take into account in managing our   我們在管理眾多出租屋邨及代管物業
            vast portfolio of rental estates and managed properties. As one of   時的首要考慮因素。作為香港最大型
            the largest property managers and developers in Hong Kong, we   物業管理機構及發展商之一,我們的
            have a pivotal role and a heightened responsibility to contribute   角色舉足輕重,希望透過減少樓宇能
            toward a more sustainable city by reducing our buildings’ energy   源消耗,為建設可持續發展城市出一
            consumption.                                                    分力。

            •  LED Lighting replacement projects commenced at Blocks E and I   •  在樂民新村E座及I座以及祖堯邨啟
               of Lok Man Sun Chuen and at the corridors of Kai King Lau of    敬樓走廊展開二極管照明系統更換
               Cho Yiu Chuen                                                   項目
            •  Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF) Lifts, capable of   •  家維邨五座出租樓宇的舊升降機已
               regulating and reducing starting current for energy efficiency,   更換為變壓變頻升降機,能調節和
               were introduced to replace lifts at five rental blocks of Ka Wai   降低啟動電流,以提高能源效益
               Chuen                                                        •  觀龍樓、明華大廈B座至E座及家
            •  Energy-Saving Water Pumps installation projects commenced to    維邨已展開節能水泵安裝工程以取
               replace flush water pumps at Kwun Lung Lau, Blocks B to E of    代沖水泵
               Ming Wah Dai Ha and Ka Wai Chuen                             •  為配合政府在二零一八年引入的「上
            •  A Solar Photovoltaic System was installed on the roof of Kai Him   網電價」政策,祖堯邨啟謙樓屋頂
               Lau of Cho Yiu Chuen, in response to the “Feed-in Tariffs”      已安裝太陽能光伏系統。該系統具
               introduced by the Government in 2018. The system features 70    備七十塊光伏板、一組配備外部隔
               pieces of photovoltaic panels, a set of inverters with an external   離變壓器的變頻器、導管和電線以
               isolation transformer, conduits and wirings, and supportive     及支撐結構,產能為二十一千瓦
               structures, and has a capacity of 21 kW                      •  為配合香港電動車數量上升,電動
            •  Electric Vehicles (EV) Charging Facility installation commenced in   車充電設施安裝工程亦相應展開。
               response to the increase in electric vehicles in Hong Kong. EV   房協已於轄下十五個停車場安裝有
               chargers were installed in 15 Housing Society carparks          關設施

                                                                                                     Electric vehicles
                                                                                                  charging facility
               Installation of energy-    Solar photovoltaic panel                                at carparks
               saving water pumps     太陽能光伏板
               節能水泵安裝工程                                                                           停車場電動車

                                                                                  香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度可持續發展報告
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