Page 19 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 19

OUR OffICES 我們的辦公室       17

            Increased Energy Efficiency                                     提升能源效益

            In December 2018, we installed motion sensors in all meeting    於二零一八年十二月,我們在總辦事
            rooms at our Head Office. The sensors detect movement are       處所有會議室安裝動態感應器。感應
            capable of automatically switching on and off lights to reduce   器透過檢測動態自動開關照明系統,
            energy consumption.                                             從而減少能源消耗。

            Staff Education                                                 教育員工

            To promote environmental awareness among our staff, educational   為提升員工的環保意識,我們在回顧
            visits and seminars were organised during the year under review.   年度舉辦考察和研討會。二零一八年
            Environmental quizzes were also included in our Staff Newsletter,   四月及十月的員工通訊刊物「房協脈搏」
            Pulsar, in its April and October 2018 issues.                   亦載有環保小測驗。

                             Visit to Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Park
                             參觀 WEEE·PARK 廢電器電子產品處理及回收設施

                                                    Former Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, Lam Chiu-ying, shared information on climate change

                                                                                  香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度可持續發展報告
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