Page 24 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - 2018/19 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告
P. 24
Elderly Resources Centre 長者安居資源中心
In 2005, we set up the Elderly Resources Centre (ERC) to promote 於二零零五年,房協開設「長者安居資
awareness of ageing issues to the general public. Being the first of 源中心」,加強大眾對安老事宜的認
its kind in Hong Kong, the Centre offers health check-ups, 識。長者安居資源中心為全港首創,
consultations and educational resources to senior citizens, their 按需要為長者、照護者及公眾提供健
caregivers, and the wider community according to their needs. In 康檢查、專業諮詢及教育等資源。於
November 2017, the ERC launched the MIND-Friendly Home 二零一七年十一月,長者安居資源中
Exploration Centre, demonstrating a model dementia-friendly home. 心開設「智友善」家居探知館,展示適
Regular training programmes are available for professionals and 合認知障礙症患者的模範家居。中心
students, while visitors can partake guided tours to learn the 亦為訪客提供導賞,讓他們深入了解
features of the model home. 有關設計的特色。
Beneficiaries under the AfH
ERC visitors: 20,581
長者安居資源中心訪客人數: campaign: 3,397
Health screening provided: 4,550 Participants in ERC thematic
所提供身體功能測試: education talk, community
education programme, Mind-
friendly fun fair, local fairs
and carnivals: 19,772
Professional services by occupational 長者安居資源中心主題教育
therapists and social workers: 304 講座、社區教育課程、「智友
由職業治療師及社工提供專業服務: 善」嘉年華、本地展覽及嘉年
A wide range of facilities
are provided at ERC for the
public to understand the
concept of “ageing in place”
Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2018/19